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DMI Report 25-09
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations from Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands 1953-2024
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)
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DMI Report 25-08
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations from Greenland 1958-2024
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)
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DMI Report 25-07
Mia Nørholm and Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Validation of HYCOM-CICE sea surface height simulations using tide gauge observations in Greenland
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 25-06
Mathilde Saltoft Schou, Peter Thejll (ed.)
Analysis Of The Ghosts From The Earthshine Experiment:DTU Special Course
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 25-05
DMI (Nationalt Center for Klimaforskning), Miljøstyrelsen (Center for Klimatilpasning)
Vejledning i anvendelse af udledningsscenarier til klimatilpasning
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Report 25-01
Frans Rubek
Danmarks Klima 2024 / English Summary of the weather in Denmark in 2024
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)
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2024 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report 24-15
Helge Jønch-Sørensen, Nis Jepsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2023
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 24-14
Peter Thejll at al.
Radiance sampling in synthetic lunar images
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 24-13
Mathilde Saltoft Schou
Analysis of Andreas Mogensen's moon images: a DTU Bachelor's Thesis
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 24-12
Peter Thejll, Mark Payne.
Methods used in Klimaatlas, the Danish Climate Atlas (v2024b)
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 24-11
Peter Thejll at al.
Methods used in Klimaatlas, the Danish Climate Atlas
Læs rapport / Read the report (PDF)

DMI Report 24-09
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations from Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands 1953-2023
Læs rapporten / Read the report (PDF)
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DMI Report 24-08
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations from Greenland 1958-2023
Læs rapporten / Read the report (PDF)
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Hent data / Get data 2 (zip)

DMI Report No. 24-07
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2025/Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2025
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 24-06
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2025/Tide tables for Faroes Islands waters 2025
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 24-05
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2025/Tide tables for Danish waters 2025
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 24-03
Büsra Kilic
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2023
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DMI Rapport 24-01
Frans Rubek
Danmarks Klima 2023 / English Summary of the weather in Denmark in 2023
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2023 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report 23-21
Helge Jønch-Sørensen, Nis Jepsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2022
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report 23-19
Anette E. Dissing,Till S. Rasmussen, Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Martin Olesen, Andrea M. U. Gierisch, Fredrik Boberg, Rasmus A. Pedersen
Udviklingen i havis-forhold omkring Grønland  -  Vurdering af udviklingen frem til 2060
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DMI Report 23-09
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations from Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands 1953-2022
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DMI Report 23-08
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations from Greenland 1958-2022
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Hent data 2/ Get data 2 

DMI Report 23-07
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2024
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report 23-06
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2024
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report 23-05
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tide tables for Danish waters 2024
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report 23-03
Kim Sarup (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2022
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Rapport 23-01
Frans Rubek
Danmarks Klima 2022 - with English Summary
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2022 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report No. 22-39
Caroline Drost Jensen og Tina Christensen
National Report on Global Climate Observing Systems (GCOS) in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands 2022
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DMI Report No. 22-38
Bo Christiansen
Comparing CMIP6 and CMIP5: The road foward for Danish Klimaatlas
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DMI Report No. 22-37
Peter Thejll et al.
Methods used in the Danish Climate Atlas
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DMI Report No. 22-36
Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2021
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Report No. 22-34
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2023/Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2023
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 22-33
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2023/Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2023
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 22-32
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2023/Tide tables for Danish waters 2023
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 22-31
Annika Drews, Marion Devilliers, Shuting Yang, Bo Christiansen, Torben Schmith, Steffen M. Olsen
AMOC and beyond – tipping points
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DMI Report No. 22-30
Annika Drews, Marion Devilliers, Shuting Yang, Bo Christiansen, Torben Schmith, Steffen M. Olsen
Oceanic Drivers of Arctic Change
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DMI Report No. 22-29
Tian Tian, Shuting Yang, Steffen M. Olsen
Teleconnections and Bias Reduction
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DMI Report No. 22-28
Shuting Yang, Marianne Sloth Madsen, Tian Tian, Annika Drews
Earth System Modelling and CMIP
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DMI Report No. 22-27
Jørgen Buus-Hinkler, Henriette Skourup, Till Andreas Soya Rasmussen
Icebergs and freshwater fluxes from Greenlandic Glaciers
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DMI Report No. 22-26
Jacob L. Høyer, Wiebke M. Kolbe, Pia Nielsen-Englyst, Gorm Dybkjær, Sotirios Skarpalezos, Thomas Lavergne, and Ioanna Karagali
Sea and sea ice – climate time series and climate indicators
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DMI Report No. 22-25
Till Andreas Soya Rasmussen, Gorm Dybkjær, Imke Sievers, Mads Hvid Ribergaard, Andrea Gierisch, Vasily Korabel, Magnus Barfoed Suhr and Stefan Rethmeier
Arctic Sea Ice
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DMI Report No. 22-24
Steffen M. Olesen, Andrea Gierisch, Ruth Mottram, Gorm Dybkjær, Jacob L. Høyer, Aksel Ascanius
Climate and ocean-cryosphere interactions in NW Greenland
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DMI Report No. 22-23
Helge Jønch-Sørensen, Hans Gleisner
Ozone layer in a changing climate studied with GNSS radio occultation data
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DMI Report No. 22-22
Caroline Drost Jensen, Eigil Kaas
Mapping of the surface air temperature in Greenland since 1870
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DMI Report No. 22-21
Marianne S. Madsen, Christian Rodehacke, Laurent Lindpointner, Shuting Yang
Coupling of ice-and climate models
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DMI Report No. 22-20
Martin Olesen, Ruth Mottram
Harmonie Climate - Greenland
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DMI Report No. 22-19
Henrik Vedel, Jana Fischereit, Eigil Kaas
Including the effects of wind turbines in the Harmonie NWP and climate models
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DMI Report No. 22-18
Ida Margrethe Ringgaard
Middelvandstand & Altimetri
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DMI Report No. 22-17
Jacob Woge Nielsen
Extreme wind statistics in climate scenario ensemble, and Wadden Sea compound event system analysis
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DMI Report No. 22-15
Peter Thejll, Flemming Vejen, and Torben Schmith
Spatial variation of cloudburst rates from a highdensity network with historical observations of daily precipitation sums
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DMI Report No. 22-14
Michael Butts (DMI), Dennis Trolle (WaterITech), Anders Nielsen (WaterITech), Jonas Wied Pedersen (DMI)
An open source approach for flood forecasting in Denmark – the Vejle Pilot
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DMI Report No. 22-13
Xiaohua Yang, Bjarne Amstrup, Carlos Peralta Aros, Kasper Hintz
Danish Regional Reanalysis
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DMI Report No. 22-12
Ole B. Christensen
Harmonie-Climate developments at the DMI in 2021
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DMI Report 22-09
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations From Torshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2021
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DMI Report 22-08
Caroline Drost Jensen
Weather Observations From Greenland, 1958-2021
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DMI Report No. 22-03
Kim Sarup (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2021
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DMI Rapport 22-01
Frans Rubek, Mikael Scharling og John Cappelen
Danmarks Klima 2021 - with English Summary
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2021 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report No. 21-43
Mads Hvid Ribergaard, Jørgen Buus-Hinkler
Ice and metocean conditions in and off Kong Oscar Fjord, East Greenland
Report for COWI
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DMI Report No. 21-42
Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2020
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DMI Report No. 21-41
Peter Thejll et al.
Methods used in the Danish Climate Atlas
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DMI Report No. 21-40
Rune Carbuhn Andersen ad
Undersøgelse af DMI's nedbørsdata til anvendelse for hydrologiske formål
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DMI Report No. 21-39
Flemming Vejen, Henrik Vedel og Michael Scharling
Korrektion af observeret nedbør i Danmark
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DMI Report No. 21-38
Flemming Vejen,Torben Schmith, Michael Scharling og Henrik Vedel .
Betydning af instrumentskift ved overgang fra manuel til automatisk måling af nedbør
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DMI Report No. 21-37
Ole B. Christensen, Torben Schmith, Bo Christiansen, Michael Scharling, Henrik Vedel, Mads Hvid Ribergaard. 
Sammenligning af nedbørsdata fra ERA5 reanalyse, med korrigeret og observerede Klimagrid Danmark
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DMI Report No. 21-36
Martin Olesen, Mikael Scharling
Analyse af DMI's nedbørsmålere af typen Geonor
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DMI Report No. 21-35
Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen (DTU), Giorgios Karamitilios (DTU), Mads Lykke Dømgaard (DTU) and Kirsten Halsnæs (DTU)
Data driven climate change adaptation Part B: National and local scale flood modelling as a basis for damage cost assessments
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DMI Report No. 21-34
Bo Christiansen, Flemming Vejen, Torben Schmith, Mikael Scharling, Kim Sarup
The sensitivity of gridded precipitation to the number of stations
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DMI Report No. 21-33
Shuting Yang, Marianne S. Madsen, Martin Stendel, Christian Rodehacke
Strengthening DMI’s contribution to CMIP6 and climate change assessment
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DMI Report No. 21-32
Julie Pedersen (AU), Jens Grønbech Hansen (AU), Mette Balslev Greve (AU), Ying Wang (AU), Mathias N. Andersen (AU), Rashpal Gill (DMI), Thomas Bøvith (DMI), Bent Hansen Sass (DMI)
Implementation of New Radar-Based Weather Data in High Spatial Resolution into Agricultural Decision Systems
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DMI Report No. 21-31
Xiaohua Yang, Kasper Stener Hintz, Carlos Peralta Aros, Bjarne Amstrup
Danish Regional Atmospheric Reanalysis
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DMI Report No. 21-30
Morten Andreas Dahl Larsen (DTU), Giorgios Karamitilios (DTU), Kirsten Halsnæs (DTU), Jun She (DMI) and Kristine Skovgaard Madsen (DMI)
Data driven climate change adaptation Part A: Advancing future multi-sectorial climate services by mapping current usage and demand
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DMI Report No. 21-29
Michael Butts
Vejle Pilot Project Hydrological Modelling
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DMI Report No. 21-28
Thomas Jacobsen, Carlo Sørensen, Jacob Woge Nielsen, Jian Su
Historical extreme high water levels along the coastline of Denmark
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DMI Report No. 21-27
Peter Thejll, Flemming Vejen, Torben Schmith and Bo Christiansen
Occurrence of cloud bursts in Denmark obtained from daily precipitation sums
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DMI Report No. 21-26
Rasmus Stoltze Hansen, Peter Thejll & Mikael Scharling
Extreme Value Analysis of Daily Temperature Records in Denmark, 2001-2020
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DMI Report No. 21-25
Shuting Yang, Tian Tian, Bo Christiansen
Toward providing reliable climate information for the next few years to a decade ahead
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DMI Report No. 21-24
Jacob L. Høyer, Wiebke Kolbe, Pia Nielsen-Englyst and Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Arctic sea and ice surface temperatures since 1982
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DMI Report No. 21-23
Christian B. Rodehacke, Marianne S. Madsen, and Paul Gierz
A prototype of the coupled EC-Earth-PISM model comprising the Antarctic Ice Sheet
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DMI Report No. 21-22
Gorm Dybkjær, Imke Sievers, Hoyeon Shi (SNU), Jens Murawski, Vasily Korabel, Till Rasmussen, Rasmus Tonboe
Snow and Ice Thickness from Model and Remote Sensing
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DMI Report No. 21-21
Till A. S. Rasmussen, Mads H. Ribergaard, Ida M. Ringgaard, Steffen M. Olsen, Andrea Gierisch and Vasily Korabel
Arctic ocean and sea ice – from a Greenlandic fjord to large scale Arctic sea ice changes
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DMI Report No. 21-20
Steffen M. Olsen, Andrea Gierisch, Torben Schmith
AMOC and Arctic-Atlantic linkages
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DMI Report No. 21-19
Hans Gleisner, Helge Jønch-Sørensen
Polar Stratospheric Conditions Relevant for Ozone Depletion Studied with Radio Occultation Data
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DMI Report No. 21-17
Marianne S. Madsen, Christian Rodehacke, Laurent Lindpointner, Martin Olesen, Shuting Yang
Including a dynamic Greenland Ice Sheet in the EC-Earth global climate model
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DMI Report No. 21-16
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2022/Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2022
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 21-15
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2022/Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2022
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 21-14
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2022/Tide tables for Danish waters 2022
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 21-13
John Cappelen og Caroline Drost Jensen
Climatological Standard Normals 1991-2020 - Faroe Islands
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DMI Report No. 21-12
John Cappelen og Caroline Drost Jensen
Climatological Standard Normals 1991-2020 - Greenland
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DMI Report No. 21-11
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2020 – Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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DMI Report No. 21-10
John Cappelen
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland (Updated June2021)
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DMI Report No. 21-09
John Cappelen
Weather Observations From Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2020
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DMI Report No. 21-08
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2020
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DMI Report No. 21-07
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark – Opgørelser og analyser til og med 2020
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DMI Report No. 21-06
John Cappelen
Ekstreme nedbørhændelser i Danmark – Opgørelser og analyser til og med 2020
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DMI Report No. 21-05
John Cappelen
The Faroe Islands – DMI, Historical Climate Data, Collection 1873-2020
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DMI Report No. 21-04
John Cappelen
Greenland – DMI, Historical Climate Data, Collection 1784-2020
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DMI Report No. 21-03
Kim Sarup (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2020
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DMI Report No. 21-02
John Cappelen
Denmark – DMI, Historical Climate Data, Collection 1768-2020
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DMI Rapport 21-01
Frans Rubek, Mikael Scharling og John Cappelen
Danmarks Klima 2020 - with English Summary
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2020 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report No. 20-20
Peter Thejll, et al
Methods used in the Danish Climate Atlas
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DMI Report No. 20-19
Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Nis Jepsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2019
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 20-18
Peter Thejll, et al
Methods used in the Danish Climate Atlas
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DMI Report No. 20-17
Caroline Drost Jensen 
Weather Statistics for Danish Airports 2009-2018 
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DMI Report No. 20-16
Caroline Drost Jensen & Ellen Vaarby Laursen
Weather Statistics for Vága Floghavn 2009-2018, Faroe Islands 
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DMI Report No. 20-15
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2021 / Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2021
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 20-14
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2021 / Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2021
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 20-13
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2021 / Tide tables for Danish waters 2021
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 20-12
John Cappelen
Danmarks klima 2010-2019, tabeller / The Climate of Denmark - Key climatic figures 2010-2019
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 20-11
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2019 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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DMI Report No. 20-10
John Cappelen
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands Updated March 2020 
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DMI Report No. 20-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2019
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DMI Report No. 20-08
John Cappelen (ed)
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2019 - Observation data with description
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Hent data / Get data (2014-2019)
Hent data / Get data (1958-2013)

DMI Report No. 20-07
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2019
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DMI Report No. 20-06
John Cappelen
Ekstreme nedbørhændelser i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2019
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DMI Report No. 20-05
John Cappelen
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2019
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DMI Report No. 20-04
John Cappelen (ed)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2019
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DMI Report No. 20-03
Kim Sarup (ed)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2019
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DMI Report No. 20-02
John Cappelen (ed)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2019
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DMI Report No. 20-01
Frans Rubek (ed)
Danmarks klima 2019 - with English Summary
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2019 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report No. 19-17
Peter Thejll
Methods used in the Danish Climate Atlas
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DMI Report No. 19-16
Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2018
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-15
Jacob Woge Nielsen and Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Weather window statistics for two locations along the Southwest Greenland coast
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DMI Report No. 19-14
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2020 / Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2020
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-13
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2020 / Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2020
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-12
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2020 / Tide tables for Danish waters 2020
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-11
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2018 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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DMI Report No. 19-10
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute. Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands - Updated June 2019
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2018 - Observation data with description
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DMI Report No. 19-08
John Cappelen (ed)
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2018 - Observation data with description
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Hent data / Get data (1958-2013)

DMI Report No. 19-07
John Cappelen (ed)
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2018
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-06
John Cappelen (ed)
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2018
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 19-05
John Cappelen (ed)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2018
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DMI Report No. 19-04
John Cappelen (ed)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2018
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DMI Report No. 19-03
Kim Sarup (ed)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2018
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DMI Report No. 19-02
John Cappelen (ed)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2018
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DMI Report No. 19-01
John Cappelen (ed)
Danmarks klima 2018 - with English Summary
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2018 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report No. 18-20
Kristian Pagh Nielsen
2001 - 2010 Danish Design Reference Year.
Update and supplementary datasets.

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DMI Report No. 18-19
John Cappelen
Climatological Standard Normals 1981-2010 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - Based on Data Published in DMI Reports 18-02, 18-04 and 18-05
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DMI Report No. 18-16
Lonny Hansen
Sea Level data 1889-2017 from 14 stations in Denmark
Mean, maximum and minimum values calculated on monthly and yearly basis including plots of mean values

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Hent data / Get data (month)
Hent data / Get data (year)

DMI Rapport No. 18-15
Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen, Paul Eriksen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2017
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Rapport No. 18-14
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2019
Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2019

Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Rapport No. 18-13
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2019
Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2019
Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Rapport No. 18-12
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for dandske farvande 2019
Tide tables for Danish waters 2019

Læs rapporten / Read the report

DMI Report No. 18-11
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2017 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
Læs rapporten / Read the report
Hent data / Get data

DMI Report 18-10
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute 
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands

Updated May 2018
Læs rapport / Read report
NB: Due to change of website links and parts of the information is no longer accessible. This will not be corrected, but in the new repport with release during 2019 all links and information will be updated and refer to the new website.

DMI Report No. 18-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2017 - Observation data with description
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DMI Report No. 18-08
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2017 - Observation data with description
Læs rapporten / Read the report
Hent data / Get data (2014-2017)
Hent data / Get data (1958-2013)

DMI Rapport Nr. 18-07
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2017
Læs rapport / Read report

DMI Rapport Nr. 18-06
John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2017
Læs rapport / Read report

DMI Report No. 18-05
John Cappelen (ed.)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2017
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DMI Report No. 18-04
John Cappelen (ed.)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2017
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DMI Report No. 18-03
Kim Sarup (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2017

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DMI Report Nr. 18-02
John Cappelen (ed.)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2017
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DMI Rapport Nr. 18-01
John Cappelen (ed.)
Danmarks klima 2017 - with English Summary
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2017 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Rapport No. 17-24
Niels Woetmann Nielsen
Turbulent surface fluxes in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer obtained by an analytic solution of a cubic equation involving a bulk Richardson number
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DMI Rapport No. 17-23
Claus Kern-Hansen
National Report on Global Climate Observing Systems (GCOS) in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands 2017
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Rapport No. 17-22
Jacob Weismann Poulsen and Per Berg
Tuning the implementation of the radiation scheme ACRANEB2
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Rapport No. 17-21
Mikael Scharling og John Cappelen
Klimadata Danmark ver.4 (inkl. landstal)
Kommunale og landets referenceværdier 2006-2015
Måneds- og årsværdier for temperatur, nedbør og solskin
Kommunernes og landets generelle vejr og klima
Klimadata anvendt i "Trap Danmark 6. udgave"

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DMI Report No. 17-20
Peter Thejll
Earthshine Project Document: Earthshine Data reduction error budget
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DMI Report No. 17-19
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2016 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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DMI Report No. 17-18
Peter Thejll, Chris Flynn and Hans Gleisner
Earthshine Project Document: Effect of light scattering on photometric errors
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Report No. 17-17
Rasmus Tonboe
Radar backscatter modelling for sea ice radar altimetry
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DMI Report No. 17-16
Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Bjarne Amstrup and Claus Petersen
Construction of a cloud burst index in numerical weather prediction
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DMI Report No. 17-15
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2018/Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2018
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Report No. 17-14
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2018/Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2018
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Report No. 17-13
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2018/Tide tables for Danish waters 2018
Læs rapport / Read the report

DMI Report No. 17-12
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2016
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DMI Report No. 17-11
Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Claus Petersen
A generalised flux Richardson number as a measure of the probability of turbulence generation in upper-tropospheric jet streams
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DMI Report 17-10
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands
Updated August 2017

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DMI Report No. 17-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2016 - Observation data with description
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DMI Report No. 17-08
John Cappelen (ed.)
Weather observations in Greenland 1958-2016 - Observation data with description
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Hent data/Get data (2014-2016)
Hent data/Get data (1958-2013)

DMI Rapport Nr. 17-07
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2016
Læs rapport / Read report

DMI Rapport Nr. 17-06
John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2016
Læs rapport / Read report

DMI Report No. 17-05
John Cappelen (ed.)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2016
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DMI Report No. 17-04
John Cappelen (ed.)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2016
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DMI Report No. 17-03
Kim Sarup (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2016

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DMI Rapport Nr. 17-02
John Cappelen (ed.)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2016
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DMI Rapport Nr. 17-01
John Cappelen (ed.)
Danmarks klima 2016 - with English Summary
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2016 Åbn open icon luk close icon

DMI Report No. 16-23
Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Bjarne Amstrup and Kasper Hintz
Sensitivity study of visibility forcasts based on modifications to the visibility scheme in the nowcasting model at DMI
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DMI Report No. 16-22
Peter Stauning
The Polar Cap (PC) Index
Derivation Procedures and Quality Control

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DMI Report No. 16-21
Claus Stenberg, Mads Hvid Ribergaard, Jesper Boje and Svein Sundby
Larval drift and settling of Greenland halibut (R. hippoglossoides Walbaum) in Northwest Atlantic with special focus on Greenlandic waters
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DMI Report No. 16-20
Per Berg, Karthik Raman, Jacob Weismann Poulsen
Complete HBM model runs on Intel Xeon processors and Intel Xeon Phi processors - part I
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DMI Rapport nr. 16-19 ver. 2
Mikael Scharling og John Cappelen
Klimadata Danmark. Kommunale referenceværdier 2006-2015. Måneds- og årsværdier for temperatur, nedbør og solskin. Kommunernes generelle vejr og klima
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DMI Report No. 16-18
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2015 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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DMI Rapport nr. 16-17
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2015
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DMI Report No. 16-16
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2017/Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2017
Læs rapport/Read report
Læs opdateret rapport / Read updated report

DMI Report No. 16-15
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2017/Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2017
Læs rapport/Read report
Læs opdateret rapport / Read updated report

DMI Report No. 16-14
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2017/Tide tables for Danish waters 2017
Læs rapport/Read report
Læs opdateret rapport / Read updated report

DMI Report No. 16-13
Palle Bo Nielsen and Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for grønlandske farvande 2016/Tide tables for Greenlandic waters 2016
Læs rapport/Read Report

DMI Report No. 16-12
Palle Bo Nielsen and Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for færøske farvande 2016/Tide tables for the Faroe Island waters 2016
Læs rapport/Read report

DMI Report No. 16-11
Palle Bo Nielsen and Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Tidevandstabeller for danske farvande 2016/Tide tables for Danish waters 2016
Læs rapport/Read report

DMI Report No. 16-10
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands
Updated July 2016

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DMI Report No. 16-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2015 - Observation data with description
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DMI Report No. 16-08
John Cappelen (ed.)
Weather observations in Greenland 1958-2015
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Hent data/Get data (2014-2015)
Hent data/Get data (1958-2013)

DMI Rapport Nr. 16-07
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2015
Læs rapport/Read report

DMI Rapport Nr. 16-06
John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser til og med 2015
Læs rapport/Read report

DMI Report No. 16-05
John Cappelen (ed.)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Data Collection 1873-2015
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DMI Report No. 16-04
John Cappelen (ed.)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2015
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DMI Report No. 16-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomiteens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2015
Læs rapport/Read report

DMI Report No. 16-02
John Cappelen (ed.)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2015
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DMI Rapport Nr. 16-01
John Cappelen (ed.)
Danmarks klima 2015 - with English Summary
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2015 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 15-12
Ellen Vaarby Laursen
Performance of the Automatic Balloon Launcher of Radiosonde Station 04360 Tasiilaq, November 2012 - June 2015
Læs rapport/Read report
Hent data del 1/Get data part 1
Hent data del 2/Get data part 2

No. 15-10
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands
Updated October 2015

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No. 15-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2014
- Observation data with description

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No. 15-08
John Cappelen (ed.)
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2014
- Observation data with description

Læs rapport/Read report
Hent data del 1/Get data part 1
Hent data del 2/Get data part 2

No. 15-07
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark
- opgørelser og analyser til og med 2014

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John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark
- opgørelser og analyser til og med 2014

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No. 15-05
John Cappelen (ed.)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2014
- with Danish Abstracts

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No. 15-04
John Cappelen (ed.)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2014
- with Danish Abstracts

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No. 15-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomiteens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2014

Læs rapport/Read report

No. 15-02
John Cappelen (ed.)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2014
- with Danish Abstracts

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No. 15-01
John Cappelen (ed.)
Danmarks klima 2014
- with English Summary

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Hent data

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 15-07
Aleksander Andrzej Stysiak, Marina Bergen Jensen, Alexander Mahura
Impact of regional afforestation on climatic conditions in Copenhagen Metropolitan Area
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 15-06
Kairat Bostanbekov, Alexander Mahura, Roman Nuterman, Daniyar Nurseitov, Edige Zakarin, Alexander Baklanov
On-line Meteorology-Chemistry/Aerosols Modelling and Integration for Risk Assessment: Case Studies
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 15-05
Synne Høyer Svendsen, Marianne Sloth Madsen, Shuting Yang, Christian Rodehacke, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir
An introduction to the coupled EC-Earth-Pism Model System
Part 1 - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
Part 2 - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
Part 3 - Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 15-04
Fremtidige klimaforandringer i Grønland;
(1/6) Kujalleq Kommune - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
(2/6) Sermersooq Kommune (vest) - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
(3/6) Sermersooq Kommune (øst) - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
(4/6) Qeqqata Kommune - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
(5/6) Qaasuitsup Kommune - Læs rapporten/Read the Report
(6/6)  Nationalparken - Læs rapporten/Read the Report

Climate Indices for Vulnerability Assessments - Greenland
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 15-03
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2014
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 15-02
Julia Palamarchuk, Sergey Ivanov, Eigil Kaas, Roman Nuterman, Alexander Mahura
HARMONIE Case Study: Aerosol Impact on Atmospheric Meso-scale Circulation for Nordic Countries
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 15-01
Cathrine Fox Maule and Wilhelm May
High-resolution climate simulations for West Africa
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2014 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 14-15
John Cappelen og Peter Grunnet Wang
Ekstremnedbør i Danmark 1872-september 2014 og 1961-september 2014
- ekstremværdianalyse af døgnnedbør og femdøgnsum i Danmark
1872-september 2014 (5 stationer)
1961-september 2014 (33 stationer)

Læs rapport
Hent data

No. 14-14
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark
- opgørelser og analyser til og med august 2014

Læs rapport

No. 14-13
Flemming Vejen, Kenan Vilic, Hanne Jensen & Claus Kern-Hansen
Korrigeret Nedbør 1989-2010, 2011-2012 & 2013
 - konsulentopgave udført for DCE – Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energi, Aarhus Universitet

Læs rapport

No. 14-12
John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark
- opgørelser og analyser til og med 2013

Læs rapport

No. 14-11
Ulrik Smith Korsholm et al.
Overview of Danish Contributions to Monitoring of SLCPs in the Arctic
Læs rapport/Read the report

No. 14-10
John Cappelen
World Weather Records 1991-2000 and 2001-2010
Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland

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No. 14-09
John Cappelen
Weather observations from Tórshavn, The Faroe Islands 1953-2013
- Observation data with description
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No. 14-08
John Cappelen (ed)
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2013
- Observation data with description

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No. 14-07
John Cappelen (ed) and Michella Rasmussen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands

Updated July 2014
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No. 14-06
John Cappelen and Bo M. Vinther
SW Greenland temperature data 1784-2013
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No. 14-05
John Cappelen (ed)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2013
with Danish Abstracts

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No. 14-04
John Cappelen (ed)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1784-2013
with Danish Abstracts

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Hent data/Get data

No. 14-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen
Drift af Spildevandskomiteens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2013

Læs rapport

No. 14-02
John Cappelen (ed)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2013 - with Danish Abstracts
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No. 14-01
John Cappelen (ed)
Danmarks klima 2013 -with English Summary
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 14-03
Alexey Penenko, Vladimir Penenko, Roman Nuterman, Alexander Baklanov and Alexander Mahura
Chemical Data Assimilation Experiment of Real Data based on Online Integrated Enviro-HIRLAM Model Output
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

No. 14-02
Alexey Penenko, Vladimir Penenko, Roman Nuterman and Alexander Mahura
Discret-Analytical Algorithms for Atmospheric Transport and Chemistry Simulation and Chemical Data Assimilation
Læs rapporten/Read the Report

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 14-06
Martin Olesen, Kristine Skovgaard Madsen, Carsten Ankjær Ludwigsen, Fredrik Boberg, Tina Christensen, John Cappelen, Ole Bøssing Christensen, Katrine Krogh Andersen & Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen
Fremtidige klimaforandringer i Danmark

Rapport 14-05
Cathrine Fox Maule, Stephanie Mayer, Stefan Sobolowski, Ole B. Christensen
Background information on the RiskChange simulations by BCCR and DMI

Rapport 14-04
Synne Høyer Svendsen, Marianna Sloth Madsen, Shuting Yang, Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir
Modelling the Antarctic Ice Sheet: A preliminary study using the EC-Earth-PISM model system

Rapport 14-03
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2013

Rapport 14-02
Cathrine Fox Maule
Presentation of the DMI-HIRHAM5 CORDEX AFRICA-44 simulation - v2, September 2014

Rapport 14-01
Phillip Schepelern Bøgh and Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen
How to calibrate bio-indicators and assess changes in Climate and in Biodiversity

2013 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 13-19
Peter Grunnet Wang, Mikael Scharling, Kristian Pagh Nielsen, Kim Bjarne Wittchen og Claus Kern-Hansen
2001 - 2010 Danish Design Reference Year
- Reference Climate Dataset for Technical Dimensioning in Building, Construction and other Sectors

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Hent data/Get data
Dette datasæt er blevet opdateret i 2018. Se DMI rapport 18-20 for flere deltaljer! /
This dataset has been updated in 2018. Please see DMI report 18-20 for further details

No. 13-18
Peter Grunnet Wang, Mikael Scharling, Kim Bjarne Wittchen og Claus Kern-Hansen
2001 - 2010 Dansk Design Reference Year
- Supplerende datasæt

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No. 13-16
Ellen Vaaby Laursen
Weather Statistics for Airports, 2003-2012 - Greenland
Læs rapport/Read the report

No. 13-15
Lonny Hansen
Sea level data 1889-2012 from 14 stations in Denmark
Mean, maximum and minimum values calculated on monthly and yearly basis including plots of mean values

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Hent data/Get data

No. 13-14
Lonny Hansen
Hourly values of sea level observations from two stations in Denmark.
Hornbæk 1890-2012 and Gedser 1891-2012

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No. 13-13
Kenan Vilic
Catalogue of Meteorological Stations in Denmark: Overview of Observation Sites and Parameters by January 2013
Læs rapporten/Read the report

No. 13-12
Lonny Hansen
Vandstandsmåling i Danmark
Månedsmidler og -ekstremer fra 14 vandstandsstationer for 2012

Læs rapporten/read the report

No. 13-11
John Cappelen (ed)
Weather observations from Greenland 1958-2012
- Observation data with description

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No. 13-10
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Referenceværdier: Antal graddage pr. måned og år for stationer 2001 - 2010, Danmark
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No. 13-09
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Klimagrid Danmark
Referenceværdier 2001-2010
Måneds- og årsværdier for temperatur, relativ luftfugtighed, vindhastighed og globalstråling 20x20 km samt nedbør 10x10 km

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No. 13-08
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Referenceværdier: Måneds- og årsværdier for stationer 2001 - 2010, Danmark for temperatur, relativ luftfugtighed, vindhastighed, globalstråling og nedbør
Læs rapporten/Read the report
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No. 13-07
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands
Updated March 2013

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No. 13-05
John Cappelen (ed)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2012
- with Danish Abstracts

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No. 13-04
John Cappelen (ed)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2012 - with Danish Abstracts
Læs rapporten/Read the report
Hent data/Get data

No. 13-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen (ed)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 2012

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No. 13-02
John Cappelen (ed)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2012
- with Danish Abstracts

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Hent data/Get data

No. 13-01
John Cappelen (ed)
Danmarks klima 2012 - with English Summary
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 13-03
Nicolas Gilet, Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen and Bent Hansen Sass
Analysis and Improvement of Statistical Error in Forecasted Air Temperature
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No. 13-02
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen, Bent Hansen Sass and Nicola Gilet
Statistical Correction of Air Temperature Forecasts for City and Road Weather Applications
Læs rapporten/Read the report

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 13-06
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2012 

Rapport 13-05
Claus Kern-Hansen (ed)
National Report on Global Climate Observing Systems (GCOS) in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands 2013

Rapport 13-04
Peter Thejll, Hans Gleisner, Chris Flynn
Removing scattered light in observations of earthshine - tests of three methods

Rapport 13-03
Wilhelm May, Joseph K. Kanyanga and Jacob Nkomoki
The variability and extremes of daily precipitation at  38 meteorological stations operated by the Zambia Meteorological Department

Rapport 13-02
Ole Bøssing Chrisensen
Beregning af klimafaktorer for døgn- og timenedbør i Danmark i et forandret klima

2012 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 12-24
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Referenceværdier: Døgn-, måneds-og årsværdier for regioner og hele landet 2001-2010, Danmark for temperatur, relativ luftfugtighed, vindhastighed, globalstråling og nedbør
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No. 12-23
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Referenceværdier: Måneds- og årskort 2001 -2010, Danmark for temperatur, relativ luftfugtighed, vindhastighed, globalstråling og nedbør
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No. 12-22
Erstattet af nr. 12-24/Replaced by No. 12-24

No. 12-21
Xiaohua Yang, Bjarne Stig Andersen, Mats Dahlbom and Shiyu Zhuang
HARMONIE Upgrade in December 2012
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No. 12-20
Jacob Weismann Poulsen and Per Berg
Thread scaling with HBM
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No. 12-19
Ellen Vaarby Laursen
Weather Statistics for Airports, 2003-2012
Denmark and Faroe Islands

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No. 12-18
Rapporten er annulleret/The report has been cancelled

No. 12-17
Peter Riddersholm Wang, Mikael Scharling og Kristian Pagh Nielsen
2001 - 2010 Design Reference Year for Denmark
- Datasæt til teknisk dimensionering, udarbejdet under EUDP-projektet "Solar Resource Assesment in Denmark" for parametrene globalstråling, relativ fugtighed, temperatur og vindhastighed samt diffus stråling og illuminans
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Dette datasæt er blevet opdateret i 2018. Se DMI rapport 18-20 for flere deltaljer! /
This dataset has been updated in 2018. Please see DMI report 18-20 for further details

No 12-16
Jacob Weismann Poulsen and Per Berg
More details on HBM - general modelling theory and survey of recent studies
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No 12-15
John Cappelen (ed)
Weather and climate data from Greenland 1958-2011
-Observation data with description

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No. 12-13
Søren Højmark Rasmussen
Sensitivity and tuning of parameterisation of precipitation in HIRHAM5
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No. 12-12
Kenan Vilic
Catalogue of Meteorological Stations in Denmark: Overview of Observation Sites and Parameters by January 2012
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No. 12-11
Per Berg and Jacob Weismann Poulsen
Implementation details for HBM
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No. 12-10
Mikael Scharling
Climate Grid Denmark
Dataset for use in research and education
Daily and monthly values 1989-2010

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No. 12-09
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Klimaoversigter 2003-2010
- Års-, Måneds-, Sæson- og Ugeberetning januar 2004 - december 2010
- Årets, Sæsonens og Månedens vejr august 2003 - december 2010
- International Klimarapportering CLIMAT januar 2004 - december 2010

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No. 12-08
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Denmark, Greenland and The Faroe Islands
Updated July 2012

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No. 12-07
John Cappelen
Vindstatistik for danske kyststationer 2001-2010
- Hyppighed af stiv kuling og derover

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No. 12-06
John Cappelen og Peter Riddersholm Wang
Ekstremnedbør i Danmark 1872-2011 og 1961-2011
-Ekstremværdianalyse af døgnnedbør og femdøgnsum i Danmark
1872-2011 (5 stationer)
1961-2011 (33 stationer)

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No. 12-05
John Cappelen (ed)
The Faroe Islands - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2011
- with Danish Abstracts

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No. 12-04
John Cappelen (ed)
Greenland - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1873-2011
- with Danish Abstracts

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No. 12-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen (ed.)
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2011
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No. 12-02
John Cappelen (ed)
Denmark - DMI Historical Climate Data Collection 1768-2011
- with Danish Abstracts
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No. 12-01
John Cappelen
Danmarks klima 2011 med Tórshavn, Færøerne og Nuuk, Grønland - with English summary
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 12-05
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen and Bent Hansen Sass
Approache to Statistical Correction of the Road Weather Model Forecasts
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No. 12-04
Rashpal S. Gill, Martin B. Sørensen and Thomas Bøvith
Hydrometeor Classification using Polarimetric C-band Dopplar Weather Radars
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No 12-03
Per Berg
Mixing in HBM
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No. 12-02
Claus Petersen, Alexander Mahura, Kai Sattler
Fine-Scale Road Stretch Forecasting
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No. 12-01
Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Claus Petersen
An upper-tropospheric clear and cloudy air turbulence index in DMI-HIRLAM
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 12-05
Peter L. Langen
Porting the DMI configuration of the EC-Earth v. 2.3 GCM to the new ECMWF IBM Power 7

Rapport 12-04
Martin Olesen, Tina Christensen, Ole Bøssing Christensen, Kristine Skovgaard Madsen, Katrine Krogh Andersen, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Anne Mette Jørgensen
Fremtidige klimaforandringer i Danmark

Rapport 12-03
Peter Thejll
Terrestrial albedo models: Comparing results from CMSAF EO data and a GCM
Link til kode/Link to code

Rapport 12-02
Henriette Schwarz
Photometric characterization of the earthshine telescope

Rapport 12-01
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2011

2011 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 11-20
John Cappelen
Monthly means and extremes 1961-1990 and 1981-2010 for air temperature, atmospheric pressure, hours of bright sunshine and precipitation - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 11-19
Claus Petersen, Alexander Mahura, Bent Sass
Road Weather Modelling System: Verification for 2010-2011 Road Weather Season
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No. 11-18
Gorm Dybkjær; Jacob Høyer, Rasmus Tonboe, Steffen Olsen, Shane Rodwell (SAMS), Werenfried Wimmer (NOCS), Sten Søbjærg (DTU-space)
The Qaanaaq sea ice thermal emission experiment
Field report

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No. 11-17
Mikael Scharling (ed)
Månedlige opgørelser af graddage
1. september 2003 - 1. september 2011

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No. 11-16
Laust Boas and Peter Riddersholm Wang
Quality control of Greenlandic weather and climate data series 1958-2010
Supplement to Technical Report 11-15

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No. 11-15
Laust Boas and Peter Riddersholm Wang
Weather and climate data from Greenland 1958-2010
Observation data with description

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No. 11-14
John Cappelen
Decadal Climate Summary 1901-2010 and Temperature Ranking 2001-2010
- Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland

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No. 11-13
John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser foråret 2011
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No. 11-12
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser foråret 2011
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No. 11-11
Sisse Camilla Lundholm
Ekstremværdianalyse af nedbør i Danmark 1874-2010
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No. 11-10
Lone Seir Carstensen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Weather and Climate Data from Greenland 1958-2010
Dataset available for research and educational purposes

Descriptions and Documentation of Observations of Temperature, Precipitation, Wind, Cloud Cover, Air Pressure, Humidity and Depth of Snow
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No. 11-09
Kenan Vilic
Catalogue of Meteorological Stations in Denmark: Overview of Observation Sites and Parameters by January 2011
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No. 11-08
Sisse Camilla Lundholm and John Cappelen
Extreme Value Analysis of 96 Daily Series of Precipitation, Denmark 1961-2010
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No. 11-07
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Updated May 2011
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No. 11-06
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2010, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - including Air Pressure Observations 1874-2010 (WASA Data Sets)
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No. 11-05
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2010, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 11-04
John Cappelen
DMI Annual Climate Data Collection 1873-2010, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with graphics and Danish summary
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No. 11-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2010
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No. 11-02
John Cappelen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Dansk vejr siden 1874 - måned for måned med temperatur, nedbør og soltimer samt beskrivelser af vejret - with English translations
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No. 11-01
John Cappelen
Danmarks klima 2010 med Tórshavn, Færøerne og Nuuk, Grønland - with English summary
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 11-03
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen, Bent Hansen Sass, Peter Holm, Torben Pedersen
Thermal Mapping Data Measurements: Road Weather Seasons 2008-2011
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No. 11-02
Mads Hvid Ribergaard
Ensemble oil drift modelling for bottom spill off Southwest Greenland
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 11-05
Shuting Yang and Bo Christiansen
Mitigating a quadrupling of CO2 by a reduction of the solar constant: A geoengineering experiment with the EC-Earth climate model

Rapport 11-04
Claus Kern-Hansen
National Report on Global Climate Observing Systems (GCOS) in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands 2008

Rapport 11-03
Martin Drews, Fredrik Boberg, John Cappelen, Ole Bøssing Christensen, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Sisse Camilla Lundholm og Martin Olesen
Fremtidige nedbørsændringer i Danmark
En oversigt over den aktuelle viden i sommeren 2011

Rapport 11-02
Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-201

2010 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 10-20
Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Xiaohua Yang, Kristian Pagh Nielsen and Bjarne Stig Andersen
HIRLAM versus HARMONIE: An Intercomparison Study
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No. 10-19
Mads Hvid Ribergaard, Stiig Wilkenskjeld and Jacob Woge Nielsen
Ensemble oil drift modelling off Southwest Greenland
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No. 10-18
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Analyse af vandstandsmålinger i Københavns Havn i årene 2005-2009
2. udgave

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No. 10-17
Sisse Camilla Lundholm og John Cappelen
Ekstremnedbør i Danmark 1961-2010
- leverance til Koordineringsenhed for Forskning i klimaTilpasning (KFT)

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No. 10-16
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Analyse og sammenligning af Hellmann og Pluvio nedbørsmålere
Data fra perioden 15. december 2009 - 15. oktober 2010

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No. 10-15
Peter Riddersholm Wang
Analyse af vandstandsmålinger i Københavns Havn i årene 2005-2009
Erstattet af Teknisk rapport 10-18

No. 10-14
Ellen Vaarby Laursen
Wind statistics for stations 04360 Tasiilaq and 04361 Mittarfik Kulusuk
Data December 2000 - August 2010

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No. 10-13
Peter Riddersholm Wang og Mikael Scharling
Klimagrid Danmark
Dokumentation og validering af Klimagrid Danmark i 1x1 km opløsning

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No. 10-12
Claus Petersen, Alexander Mahura and Bent Sass
Road Weather Modelling System: Verification for 2009-2010 Road Weather Season
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No. 10-10
John Cappelen
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 2000-2009
(with English explanations)

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No. 10-09
Ellen Vaarby Laursen
DMI SYNOP AWS 04416 Summit.
Data status March 2010

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No. 10-08
Lone Seir Carstensen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Weather and Climate Data from Greenland 1958-2009
Dataset available for research and educational purposes
Descriptions and Documentation of Observations of Temperature, Precipitation, Wind, Cloud Cover, Air Pressure, Humidity and Depth of Snow

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No. 10-07
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Updated June 2010
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No. 10-06
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2009, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - including Air Pressure Observations 1874-2009 (WASA Data Sets)
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No 10-05
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2009, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 10-04
John Cappelen
DMI Annual Climate Data Collection 1873-2009, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with graphics and Danish summary
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No. 10-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2009
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No. 10-02
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Dansk vejr siden 1874 - måned for måned med temperatur, nedbør og soltimer samt beskrivelser af vejret - with English translations
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No. 10-01
John Cappelen
Danmarks klima 2009 med Tórshavn, Færøerne og Nuuk, Grønland - with English summary
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 10-06
Alexander Mahura, Roman Nuterman, Iratxe Gonzalez-Aparicio, Claus Petersen, Alexander Baklanov
Environmental Modelling in Metropolitan Areas
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No. 10-05
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen, Kai Sattler, Bent Hansen Sass, Torben Pedersen
High Resolution Physiographic Data for Fine-Scale Road Weather Forecasting
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No. 10-04
Alexander Mahura, Roman Nuterman, Irina Petrova, Bjarne Amstrup
Atmospheric Trajectory and Chemical Transport Modelling for Elevated Ozone Events in Denmark
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No. 10-03
Irina Petrova, Alexander Mahura, Sergey Smyshlayev, Yuri Dubasov and Sergey Pakhomov
Identification of Noble Gases Sources using Atmospheric Trajectory Modelling
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No. 10-02
Iratxe González-Aparicio, Roman Nuterman, Ulrik Korsholm, Alexander Mahura, Juan-Ángel Acero, Julia Hidalgo and Alexander Baklanov
Land-use Database Processing Approach for Meso-Scale Urban NWP Model Initialization
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No. 10-01
Niels Woetmann Nielsen
A new scheme for parameterization of turbulent surface fluxes in the stably stratified atmospheric boundary layer
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 10-04
Bo Christiansen

Rapport 10-03
Fredrik Boberg
Weighted scenario temperature and precipitation changes for Denmark using probability density functions for ENSEMBLES regional climate models

Rapport 10-02
Tina Christensen, Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen , Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2009

2009 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 09-14
Henrik Feddersen
A Short-Range Limited Area Ensemble Prediction System
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No. 09-13
John Cappelen
Ekstrem nedbør i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser november 2009
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No. 09-12
John Cappelen
Storm og ekstrem vind i Danmark - opgørelser og analyser september 2009
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No. 09-11
Lone Seir Carstensen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Weather and Climate Data from Greenland 1958-2008
Dataset available for research and educational purposes
Descriptions and Documentation of Observations of Temperature, Precipitation, Wind, Cloud Cover, Air Pressure, Humidity and Depth of Snow

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No. 09-10
Claus Petersen, Alexander Mahura and Bent Sass
Road Weather Modelling System: Verification for 2008-2009 Road Weather Season
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No. 09-09
Peter Stauning
Ørsted 10 år i Rummet: 23.2.1999 - 23.2.2009
Festarrangement og Udstilling på Tycho Brahe Planetarium

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No. 09-08
Mikael Scharling og Kenan Vilic
Tørkeindeks version 1.0 - metodebeskrivelse
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No. 09-07
John Cappelen (ed)
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Updated July 2009

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No. 09-06
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2008, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - including Air Pressure Observations 1874-2008 (WASA Data Sets)
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No 09-05
John Cappelen (ed)
DMI Monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2008, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No 09-04
John Cappelen
DMI Annual Climate Data Collection 1873-2008, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with graphics and Danish summary
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No. 09-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2008
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No. 09-02
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Dansk vejr siden 1874 - måned for måned med temperatur, nedbør og soltimer samt beskrivelser af vejret - with English translations
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No. 09-01
John Cappelen
Danmarks klima 2008 med Tórshavn, Færøerne og Nuuk, Grønland - with English translations
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 09-02
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen, Bent H. Sass, Michel M. Eram
Road Weather Verification: Revised Approach
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No. 09-01
Ulrik Smith Korsholm
Integrated modeling of aerosol indirect effects
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 09-10
Claus Kern-Hansen and Ellen Vaarby Laursen (ed)
Proceedings of the 7th ECSN Data Management Workshop, Copenhagen November 4-6 2009

Rapport 09-09
Cathrine Fox Maule, Michael E. Purucker and Nils Olsen
Inferring magnetic crustal thickness and geothermal heat flux from crustal magnetic field models

Rapport 09-08
Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Martin Stendel, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, John Cappelen, Flemming Vejen, Helle Astrid Kjær, Ruth Mottram and Philippe Lucas-Picher
Assessment of the temperature, precipitation and snow in the RCM HIRHAM4 at 25 km resolution

Rapport 09-07
Anne Mette K. Jørgensen, Gudfinna Adalgeirsdottir, Kristine S. Madsen og Torben Schmith
Fremtidige havniveauændringer - et resume af den aktuelle viden i foråret 2009

Rapport 09-06
Peter Thejll
Vorticity Area Index: comparing ERA40 values with NCEP

Rapport 09-05
Bjarne Christensen, Tina Christensen, Paul Eriksen, Nis Jepsen , Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2008

Rapport 09-04
Fredrik Boberg, Peter Berg and Peter Thejll
Comparing regional climate models with gridded observations within the ENSEMBLES project using probability density functions

Rapport 09-02
Johannes K. Nielsen
Correlation of airplane emissions with Meteosat 7 IR/WV images

Rapport 09-01
Peter Thejll
Update of the Solar Cycle Length curve, and the relationship to the global mean temperature

2008 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 08-12
Jacob W. Nielsen, Jens Murawski and Nicolai Kliem
Oil drift and fate modelling off NE and NW Greenland
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No. 08-10
John Cappelen and Claus Kern-Hansen
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute. Updated July 2008
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No. 08-09
Claus Petersen, Alexander Mahura, Bent Sass and Torben Pedersen
Road Weather Modelling System: Verification for 2007-2008 Road Weather Season
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No. 08-08
Peter Stauning og Søren Henriksen
Nordlysets Maler : Harald Moltkes Malerier på Meteorologisk Institut
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No. 08-07
Eva Howe
Analysis of SSMIS data
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No. 08-06
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2007
Læs rapporten/Read the report

No. 08-05
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen and Claus Kern-Hansen
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2007, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - including Air Pressure Observations 1874-2007 (WASA Data Sets)
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No 08-04
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Peter Viskum Jørgensen and Claus Kern-Hansen
DMI monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2007, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 08-03
John Cappelen
DMI Annual Climate Data Collection 1873-2007, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with graphics and Danish summary
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No. 08-02
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Dansk vejr siden 1874 - måned for måned med temperatur, nedbør og soltimer samt beskrivelser af vejret - with English translations
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No. 08-01
Danmarks klima 2007 med Tórshavn, Færøerne og Nuuk, Grønland - with English translations
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 08-06
Edige Zakarin, Larissa Balakay, Bibigul Mirkarimova, Natalia Tuseeva, Konstantin Pak, Alexander Baklanov, Alexander Mahura, Jens H. Sørensen
Geoinformation Modeling of Radionuclide Transfer from the Territory of the Semipalatinsk Test Site
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No. 08-05
Alexander Baklanov and Evgeny Gordov (Editors)
Enviro-RISKS: Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Man-made Changes in Siberia
Volume 1: Enviro-RISKS Project and its Major Outputs
Volume 2: Atmospheric Pollution and Risk
Volume 3: Climate and Global Change and Risks
Volume 4: Terrestrial Ecosystems and Hydrology
Volume 5: Information Systems, Integration and Synthesis

No. 08-03
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen and Bent Hansen Sass
Road Icing Conditions in Denmark
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No. 08-02
Hans Gleisner and Peter Thejll
Gain calibration of an earthshine monitoring instrument
I. Evaluation of the Chae method
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 08-08
Peter Berg and Philippe Lucas-Picher
Implementation of spectral nudging in the HIRHAM5 Regional Climate Model

Rapport 08-07
Marianne Sloth Madsen and Peter Thejll
QUANTIFY: Modelling air-plane contrails with the IFSHAM general circulation model

Rapport 08-06
Gudfinna Adalgeirsdóttir
Climate Change: Facts-Scenarios. What can we learn from the ice sheets?

Rapport 08-05
Peter Thejll
Consistent minimum solar wind speed and sector boundary crossing dates list

Rapport 08-04
Peter Thejll
Earthshine Project Document: exposure guide for UBVRI filters

Rapport 08-03
Hans Gleisner and Peter Thejll
Earthshine Project Document: Atmospheric extinction corrections

Rapport 08-02
Tina Christensen, Paul Eriksen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2007

Rapport 08-01
Gudfinna Adalgeirsdóttir, Martin Stendel, Catrine Fox Maule and Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen.
Model setup and first runs with SICOPOLIS ice sheet model and a new geothermal heat flux estimate for the Greenland Ice Sheet

2007 Åbn open icon luk close icon

Tekniske rapporter

No. 07-11
Claus Petersen, Bent Sass, Alexander Mahura and Torben Pedersen
Road Weather Modelling System: Verification for 2005-2007 Road Weather Seasons
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No. 07-10
John Cappelen, Claus Kern-Hansen and Kim Sarup
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
Updated September 2007

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No. 07-09
Lonny Hansen
Hourly values of sea level observations from two stations in Denmark. Hornbæk 1890-2005 and Gedser 1891-2005
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No. 07-07
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen and Claus Kern-Hansen
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2006, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - including Air Pressure Observations 1874-2006 (WASA Data Sets)
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No. 07-06
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Peter Viskum Jørgensen and Claus Kern-Hansen
DMI Monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2006, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 07-05
John Cappelen
DMI Annual Climate Data Collection 1873-2006, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with graphics and danish summary
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No. 07-03
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2006
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No. 07-02
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Dansk vejr siden 1874 - måned for måned med temperatur, nedbør og soltimer samt beskrivelser af vejret - with english translations
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No. 07-01
John Cappelen
Danmarks klima 2006 med Tórshavn, Færøerne og Nuuk, Grønland - with English translations
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 07-08
Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
An efficient method to solve implicit generalized similarity equations for the stable and neutral boundary layer
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No. 07-07
Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Claus Petersen and Bjarne Amstrup:
Test of the 'unstable very close to neutral' surface layer regime over sea in DMI-HIRLAM
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No. 07-06
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen, Bent Sass, Peter Holm and Torben Pedersen:
Road Stretch Weather Forecasting: Thermal Mapping Data Application
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No. 07-05
Tina Christensen, Helge Jønch-Sørensen, Paul Eriksen, Bjørn Knudsen og Signe Bech Andersen:
UV-stråling i Grønland
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No. 07-04
Alexander Baklanov (Editor):
Enviro-RISKS: Man-induced Environmental Risks: Monitoring, Management and Remediation of Manmade Changes in Siberia
First-Year EC 6FP CA Enviro-RISKS Project Report: Overview and Progress Reports by Partners
Læs rapporten/Read the report

No. 07-03
Roman Nuterman and Alexander Baklanov:
Overview and Application of Obstacle Resolved Models for Air Flow and Pollution Transport Simulations
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No. 07-02
Bent H. Sass:
Idealized simulations of shallow convection using recent HIRLAM physics
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No. 07-01
Rashpal S. Gill
Sea clutter removal using radar elevation dependent second order texture parameters
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 07-03
Fredrik Boberg, Peter Berg, Peter Thejll and Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen
Analysis of temporal changes in precipitation intensities using PRUDENCE data

Rapport 07-02
Martin Stendel, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Gudfinna Adalgeirsdóttir, Nicolai Kliem and Martin Drews
Regional climate change for Greenland and surrounding seas
Part I: Atmosphere and land surface

Rapport 07-01
Signe B. Andersen, Tina Christensen, Paul Eriksen, Bjørn Knudsen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2006

2006 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 06-18
Jügen Watermann and Hans Gleisner
Geomagnetic Activity Forecast Service (GAFS). Final Project Report, Vol. 1
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No. 06-17
Ole Bøssing Christensen, Martin Drews, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Klaus Dethloff, Klaus Ketelsen, Ines Hebestadt and Anette Rinke
The HIRHAM Regional Climate Model. Version 5
Læs rapporten / Read the report

No. 06-16
Alexander Mahura, Claus Petersen, Bent Hansen Sass and Peter Holm
Thermal Mapping Data for Verification of the Overall Performance of the DMI-HIRLAM Road Weather Model System
Læs rapporten / Read the report

No. 06-15
Flemming Vejen
Nyt SVK system. Sammenligning af nedbørmålinger med nye og nuværende system
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No. 06-14
Søren Andersen and Igor Belkin (University of Rhode Island)
Adaptation of global frontal climatologies for use in the OSISAF Global SST cloudmasking scheme
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No. 06-13
Ane Marie Closter, Rikke Margrethe Closter, John Cappelen, Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Kirsten Christoffersen (FBL) and Claus Kern-Hansen:
Temperature measurements in Copenhagen from 1767 to 1860
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No. 06-12
John Cappelen, Claus Kern-Hansen and Kim Sarup:
Guide to Climate Data and Information from the Danish Meteorological Institute
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No 06-11
Michael Scharling, Kirsten Rajakumar, Lonny Hansen og Jens Juncher Jensen:
Cataloque of meteorological observing stations operated by DMI 1 January 2006
Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 06-10
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen and Claus Kern-Hansen:
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2005, Denmark and Greenland
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No. 06-09
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Peter Viskum Jørgensen and Claus Kern-Hansen:
DMI monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2005, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 06-08
John Cappelen:
DMI Annual Climate Data Collection 1873-2005, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
- with graphics and danish summary
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Hent grafik

No. 06-07
Mads Hvid Ribergaard, Nicolai Kliem and Martin Jespersen
HYCOM for the North Atlantic Ocean with special emphasis on West Greenland Waters
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No. 06-06
Jacob W. Nielsen, Nicolai Kliem, Martin Jespersen and Bettina M. Christiansen:
Oil drift and fate modelling at Disko Bay
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No. 06-04
Peter Thejll:
Lunar observability
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No. 06-03
Maja Kjørup Nielsen og John Cappelen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2005
Læs rapporten

No. 06-02
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen:
Dansk vejr siden 1874 - måned for måned med temperatur, nedbør og soltimer samt beskrivelser af vejret
with English translations
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No. 06-01
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen:
Danmarks klima 2005 med Tórshavn, Færøerne, og Nuuk, Grønland - with english translations
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 06-08
Bjarne Amstrup:
EUCOS space/terrestrial OSE study using the DMI-HIRLAM 3D-Var data assimilation system.  Part II: A summer period
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No. 06-07
Bjarne Amstrup:
EUCOS space/terrestrial OSE study using the DMI-HIRLAM 3D-Var data assimilation system.  Part I: A winter period
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No. 06-06
A. Baklanov, S.M. Joffre, M. Piringer, M. Deserti, D.R. Middleton, M. Tombrou, A. Karppinen, S. Emeis, V. Prior, M.W. Rotach, G. Bonafè, K. Baumann-Stanzer, A. Kuchin
Towards estimating the mixing height in urban areas
Recent experimental and modelling results from the COST-715 Action and FUMAPEX project

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No. 06-05
Rasmus Tonboe:
Simulation of the seasonal sea ice microwave emissivity variability
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No. 06-04
Peter Stauning, Oleg Troshichev, Alexander Janzhura
Polar Cap (PC) Index
Unified PC-N (North) Index Procedures and Quality
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No. 06-03
Rasmus Tonboe and Susanne Hanson:
Microphysical measurements important for microwave remote sensing of sea ice
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No. 06-02
Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
A short introduction to the dynamics of severe convection
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No. 06-01
Bent Hansen Sass, Claus Petersen, Alexander Mahura, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Torben Strunge Pedersen, Morten Lind, Søren Andersen:
Improvement of Operational Danish Road Weather Forecasting using High Resolution Satellite Data
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 06-03
Wilhelm May:
Towards a global "2 degree C-stabilization" scenario: estimates of the allowable greenhouse gas concentrations and the associated climatic changes

Rapport 06-02
Ole Bøssing Christensen:
Regional climate change in Denmark according to a global 2-degree-warming scenario

Rapport 06-01
Signe B. Andersen, Tina Christensen, Paul Eriksen, Bjørn Knudsen og Niels Larsen
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland 1979-2005

2005 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 05-18
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Solskinstimer i Pituffik. Verifikation af metode til beregning af solskinstimer ud fra globalstrålingsdata
Læs rapporten

No. 05-16
Flemming Vejen:
Pilotprojekt: Beregning af dynamisk korrektion af nedbør på Samsø, 1989-2003
Læs rapporten

No. 05-15
Xiaohua Yang, Maryanne Kmit, Claus Petersen, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Bent Hansen Sass, Bjarne Amstrup:
The DMI-HIRLAM upgrade in November 2005
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No. 05-14
John Cappelen og Claus Kern-Hansen:
Europæiske klimanormaler 1971-2000
Datasæt indsamlet under EUMETNET/ECSN programmet "European Climate Atlas"
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No. 05-13
Claus Petersen, Maryanne Kmit, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Bjarne Amstrup and Vibeke Huess:
Performance of DMI-HIRLAM-T15 and DMI-HIRLAM-S05 and the storm surge model in winter storms
Læs rapporten/read the report

No. 05-12
Alexander Mahura, Kai Sattler, Claus Petersen, Bjarne Amstrup, Alexander Baklanov:
DMI-HIRLAM Modelling with High Resolution Setup and Simulations for Areas of Denmark
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No. 05-11
K.B. Lauritsen and F. Rubek:
GRAS SAF Open Loop Workshop
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See the presentations (link)

No. 05-10
Xiaohua Yang, Maryanne Kmit, Bent Hansen Sass, Bjarne Amstrup, Karina Lindberg, Claus Petersen, Ulrik Korsholm, Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
The DMI-HIRLAM Upgrade in May 2005
Læs rapporten / read the report

No. 05-09
Xiaohua Yang, Claus Petersen, Bjarne Amstrup, Bjarne Stig Andersen, Henrik Feddersen, Maryanne Kmit, Ulrik Korsholm, Karina Lindberg, Kristian Mogensen, Bent Hansen Sass, Kai Sattler and Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
The DMI-HIRLAM upgrade in June 2004
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No. 05-08
Erik Buch et al.:
Tsunami. Risikovurdering for danske, færøske og grønlandske farvande
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No. 05-07
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2004
Læs rapporten

No. 05-06
John Cappelen:
DMI annual climate data collection 1873-2004, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland - with Graphics and Danish Abstracts
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No. 05-05
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Peter viskum Jørgensen and claus Kern-Hansen:
DMI monthly Climate Data Collection 1768-2004, Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
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No. 05-04
John Cappelen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen and Claus Kern-Hansen:
DMI daily climate data collection 1873-2004, Denmark and Greenland
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No. 05-03
Anne Frøsig og Alix Rasmussen:
Pollen- & sporemålinger i Danmark. Sæsonen 2003
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No. 05-02
Ulrik Smith Korsholm, Claus Petersen and Maryanne Kmit:
High resolution DMI-HIRLAM model version covering southern Greenland
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No 05-01
John Cappelen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen
The Climate of Denmark 2004 with the Faroe Islands and Greenland with Danish translations
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Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 05-10
Rasmus Tonboe:
A mass and thermodynamic model for sea ice
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No. 05-09
George Beyerle:
Simulating GPS radio occultation events
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No. 05-08
Siebren de Haan:
Global Maps from GPS Radio Occulation Data
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No. 05-07
M.E. Gorbunov:
Operational processing of CHAMP data:
mathematical methods, data filtering and quality control
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No. 05-06
M.E. Gorbunow and K.B. Lauritsen:
Radio holographic filtering of noisy radio occultations
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No. 05-05
Mads Hvid Ribergaard:
On the coupling between hydrography and larval transport in Southwest Greenland waters
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Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Appendix D
Appendix E

No. 05-04
Thomas Bøvith and Søren Andersen:
Sea ice concentration from single-polarized SAR data using second-order grey level statistics and learning vector quantization
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No. 05-03
Arne Skov Jensen, Christian Marquardt, Hans-Henrik Benzon and Martin S. Lohman:
Application of full spectrum inversion techniques: data processing methods and spatial accuracy
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No. 05-02
Knud Lassen and Peter Thejll:
Multi-decadal variation of the East Greenland Sea-Ice Extent: AD 1500-2000
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No. 05-01
Henrik Feddersen and Kai Sattler:
Verification of wind forecasts for a set of experimental DMI-HIRLAM ensemble experiments
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Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 05-05
Shuting Yang:
A note on the correctness of precipitation in the danish climate model

Rapport 05-04
Signe B. Andersen, Tina Christensen, Paul Eriksen, Bjørn Knudsen og Niels Larsen:
Ozonlaget over Danmark og Grønland

Rapport 05-03
John Cappelen og Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen:
DMI's bidrag til Danmarks 4. nationale afrapportering til FN's klimakonvention UNFCCC

Rapport 05-02
Rapporten er annulleret
The report has been cancelled

Rapport 05-01
Rapporten er annulleret
The report has been cancelled

2004 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 04-27
Xiaohua Yang:
Experiments of 4DVAR with DMI-HIRLAM T15
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-26
Annette Guldberg and Bo Christiansen:
Extended-range forecasts: prospects and possibilities
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No 04-25
Mette F. Nielsen, Kim Sarup, Mikael Scharling and Søren Brodersen:
Carburettor Icing-probability
Monthly statistics generated from radiosonde data (WMO st. no. 06181, Jægersborg) using the "New Carburettor Icing-probability Chart"
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No. 04-24
Rikke Sjølin Thomsen and Stig Rosenørn:
Daily Climate Data to Odense Pilot River Basin, 1990-2003
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No. 04-22
Karina Lindberg:
Using different formulations for the advection of tracers in DMI-HIRLAM
Part ll: advection schemes and mass conservation issues
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-21
Karina Lindberg:
Using different formulations for the advection of tracers in DMI-HIRLAM
Part I: Importing and adapting the DMI-HIRLAMTRACER TRACER setup to the NECTX7/SX6 machines and the new DMI-HIRLAM model
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No 04-20
Mikael Scharling, Kirsten Rajakumar and Jens Juncher Jensen:
Cataloque of meteorological observing stations operated by DMI 1. September 2004
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No 04-19
Kirsten Rajakumar:
Månedsgraddage september 1997 -august 2003
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No. 04-18
Peter Thejll:
An automatic earthshine telescope. A pilot project
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-17
Erik Bødtker:
Nøjagtighed og sporbarhed af DMI's vandstandsmålinger
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

John Cappelen:
Månedsberetning - klimadata på månedsbasis: oktober 1998 - december 2003
Læs rapporten (89,6 KB)
Hent data (1998)(97,4 KB)
Hent data (1999)(368 KB)
Hent data (2000)(359 KB)
Hent data (2001)(274 KB)
Hent data (2002)(401 KB)
Hent data (2003)(413 KB)

No. 04-15
John Cappelen:
Ugeberetning - klimadata på ugebasis: oktober 1998 - december 2003
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Hent data (1998)(801 KB)
Hent data (1999)(3,13 MB)
Hent data (2000)(2,97 MB)
Hent data (2001)(2,13MB)
Hent data (2002)(2,84 MB)
Hent data (2003)(2,98 MB)

No. 04-14
Magnetic Results 2003
Brorfelde, Qeqertarsuaq, Qaanaaq and Narsarsuaq Observatories
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-13
Jun She and Jacob L. Høyer:
Ad hoc sampling strategy design for T/S monitoring in the Baltic-North Sea
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-12
Peter Stauning:
Ørsteds resultater
Læs rapporten (3,52 MB)
Bilag til / Appendix to Tr04-12 (01-04-04)

No. 04-11
Jacob L. Høyer and Jun She:
Validation of satellite SST products for the North Sea-Baltic Sea region
Læs rapporten / Read the report (4,8 MB)

No. 04-09
Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
The DMI-HIRLAM prediction of the cyclone over Scandinavia on 6 December 2003
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-08
Henrik Feddersen:
Reduction of pressure to mean sea level in DMI-HIRLAM
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-07
John Cappelen:
Årlige middeltemperaturer for udvalgte meteorologiske stationer i Danmark, på Færøerne og i Grønland; 1873-2003
Yearly Mean Temperature for Selected Meteorological Stations in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland;  1873-2003
Læs rapporten / Read the report (60,3 KB) , Hent data / Get data (19,4 KB)

No. 04-06
John Cappelen:
Årlige landstal af temperatur, nedbør, solskinstimer og skydække for Danmark; 1873-2003
Yearly Temperature, Precipitation, Hours of Bright Sunshine and Cloud Cover for Denmark as a whole; 1873-2003

Læs rapporten / Read the report (93,9 KB) , Hent data / Get data (12,1 KB)

No. 04-05
John Cappelen:
The Climate of Denmark - Key climatic Figures 2000-2003
Læs rapporten / Read the report (235 KB)

No. 04-04
Flemming Vejen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 2003
Læs rapporten (1,27 MB)

No. 04-03
Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
DMI Daily Climate Data Collection 1873-2003, Denmark and Greenland
Læs rapporten / Read the report (499 KB)  ,  Hent data / Get data (5,01 MB)

No. 04-02
John Cappelen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen:
The Climate of Denmark 2003 with The Faroe Islands and Greenland
Danmarks klima 2003 med Færøerne og Grønland
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3,02 MB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 04-10
Synne Høyer Svendsen:
Polar stratospheric cloud formation: a model study. Phd thesis
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 04-09
Jens Wickert
Comparison of vertical refractivity and temperature profiles from CHAMP with radiosonde measurements
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No. 04-07
Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Bent H. Sass:
Rotation of the surface stress as a tool in parameterization of atmospheric turbulence
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No. 04-06
Annette Guldberg and Johannes K. Nielsen:
Contrails and their impact on climate
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No. 04-04
Karina Lindberg and Xiaohua Yang:
Sensitivity studies with the HIRLAM model using different time-steps
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No. 04-03
Rasmus Tage Tonboe and Søren Andersen:
Modelled radiometer algorithm ice concentration sensitivity to emissivity variations of the Arctic sea ice snow cover
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No. 04-02
Andrea K. Steiner:
Error Analyses of Refractivity Profiles Retrieved from CHAMP Radio Occultation Data
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No. 04-01
Niels Larsen et al.:
Comprehensive Investigations of Polar stratospheric Aerosols. Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme
Contract no. EVK2-CT-2000-00095
Læs rapporten / Read the report

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 04-05
Shuting Yang:
The DKCM atmospheric model. The atmospheric component of the Danish Climate Model

Rapport 04-04
Annette Guldberg og Johannes K. Nielsen:
Flytrafiks indflydelse på atmosfæren

Rapport 04-03
Redaktør: Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen:
Danmarks Klimaforums Workshop 1. december 2003 om klimaets indvirkning på vand og vandkvalitet i Danmark anno 2050: forudsigelighed og usikkerhed
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

Rapport 04-02
Watermass transformation in the North Atlantic and Arctic Mediterranean as part of the thermohaline circulation
Ph.D. thesis
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

Rapport 04-01 (7,65 MB)
Sannie Thorsen:
The effect of sea surface temperatures on the climate in the extratropics. Ph.D. thesis

2003 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 03-38
Research and Development Projects. Progress 2002
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No. 03-37
Peter Thejll, Torben Schmith & FACEUP consortium:
Enhancing use of statistics in climate research: 
Transferring analysis methods that face up to commonly neglected data problems,
An EU FP6 STREP outline proposal

Læs rapporten / Read the report (185 KB)

No. 03-36
Bettina M. Christiansen:
3D Oil Drift and Fate Forecasts at DMI
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.735 KB)

No. 03-35
Alix Rasmussen og Anne Frøsig:
Pollen- og Sporemålinger i Danmark - sæsonen 2002
Læs rapporten (543 KB)

No. 03-34
John Cappelen:
World Weather Records 1991-2000 - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
World Weather Records 1991-2000 - Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland
Læs rapporten / Read the report (960 KB) Hent data / Get data (91 KB)

No. 03-33
Claus Kern-Hansen:
Climate Meta Data Information Example (Monthly Time Series Database)
Læs rapporten / Read the report (98 KB)

No. 03-32
Mikael Scharling og Kirsten Rajakumar:
DMI-stationer i drift pr. 1. september 2003, Danmark, Færøerne og Grønland
Læs rapporten (1.504 KB)

No. 03-31
John Cappelen:
Månedens vejr, oktober 1998 - juli 2003
Læs rapporten (127 KB)

No. 03-30
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verifikation af vandstandsprognoser: 2002
Læs rapporten (358 KB).

No. 03-29
N.K. Petersen & N.W. Nielsen:
Analyse af isbilkørsler i vinteren 2002
Læs rapporten (375 KB)

No. 03-28
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verification of DMI wave forecasts 2nd quarter of 2003
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.346 KB)

No. 03-27
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verification of DMI wave forecasts 1st quarter of 2003
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.150 KB)

No. 03-26
Peter Viskum Jørgensen and Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
DMI Monthly Climate Data Collection 1860-2002, Denmark, Faroe Island and Greenland
An update of: NACD, REWARD, NORDKLIM and NARP datasets - Version 1

Læs rapporten / Read the report (448 KB) Hent data / Get data (1.791 KB)

No. 03-25
Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
DMI monthly climate data, 1873-2002, contribution to Nordic Arctic Research Programme (NARP)
Læs rapporten / Read the report (137 KB) Hent data / Get data (162 KB)

No. 03-24
Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
Metadata, selected climatological and synoptic stations, 1750-1996
Læs rapporten / Read the report (430 KB) Hent data / Get data (35 KB)

No. 03-23
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
DMI's operationelle bølgemodel, version 4
Læs rapporten (139 KB)

No. 03-22
John Cappelen:
Årlige landstal af temperatur, nedbør, solskinstimer og skydække for Danmark; 1873-2002, version 2
Yearly Temperature, Precipitation, Hours of Bright Sunshine and Cloud Cover for Denmark as a whole; 1873-2002, version 2
Læs rapporten / Read the report (108 KB) Hent data / Get data (13 KB)

No. 03-21
John Cappelen and Claus Kern-Hansen:
Danish Climatological Normals 1971-2000 for European Climate Atlas, version 2
Danske klimanormaler 1971-2000 til Europæisk Klimaatlas, version 2
Læs rapporten / Read the report (87 KB) Hent data / Get Data (12 KB)

No. 03-20
Bjarne Amstrup, Kristian Sten Mogensen, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Vibeke Huess and Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Results from DMI-HIRLAM pre-operational tests prior to the upgrade in December 2002
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (6.177 KB)

No. 03-19
Ellen Vaarby Laursen og Stig Rosenørn:
Landstal af solskinstimer for Danmark; 1920-2002
Læs rapporten (449 KB) Hent data (11 KB)

No. 03-18
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verification of DMI wave forecasts 4th quarter of 2002
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (4.315 KB)

No. 03-17
Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
Nedskalering af vindhastighed målt ved 06159 Røsnæs Fyr
Læs rapporten (1.147 KB)

No. 03-16
Erik Bødtker:
Observation Systems 2003
Læs rapporten (8.880 KB)

No. 03-15
John Cappelen:
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 1980-1989
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (498 KB)

No. 03-14
John Cappelen:
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 1970-1979
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (495 KB)

No. 03-13
Rasmus Tonboe and Jörg Haarpainter:
Implementation of Quickscat Sea Winds data in the EUMETSAT Ocean & Sea Ice ice product
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (1.718 KB)

No. 03-12
Magnetic Results 2002
Brorfelde, Qeqertarsuaq, Qaanaaq and Narsarsuaq Observatories
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.314 KB)

No. 03-11
Michael Steffensen and Flemming Vejen:
Evaluation of the AMIS Gridded Observations and Radar derived 24-hour Accumulated Precipitation by Comparison with Climate Grid – Denmark Gridded Observations. Phase II
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.354 KB)

No. 03-10
Alix Rasmussen og Anne Frøsig:
Pollen- og Sporemålinger i Danmark - sæsonen 2001
Læs rapporten (400 KB)

No. 03-09
Alix Rasmussen og Lene Hodal:
Pollen- og Sporemålinger i Danmark - sæsonen 2000
Læs rapporten (397 KB)

No. 03-08
Projects at DMI Supported by the European Commission.
Projects initiated after autumn 1998
Læs rapporten/Read the report  (2,55 MB)

No 03-07
John Cappelen:
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 2000-2002
Læs rapporten / Read the report (283 KB)

No 03-06
John Cappelen:
Årlige landstal af temperatur, nedbør, solskinstimer og skydække for Danmark; 1873-2002
Yearly Temperature, Precipitation, Hours of Bright Sunshine and Cloud Cover for Denmark as a whole; 1873-2002
Læs rapporten / Read the report (92 KB) Hent data / Get data (13 KB)

No 03-05
John Cappelen:
Årlige middeltemperaturer for udvalgte meteorologiske stationer i Danmark, på Færøerne og i Grønland; 1873-2002
Yearly Mean Temperature for Selected Meteorological Stations in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland; 1873-2002
Læs rapporten / Read the report (58 KB) Hent data / Get data (20 KB)

No 03-04
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2002
Læs rapporten (1.326 KB)

No 03-03
Peter Viskum Jørgensen:
Weather Statistics for Airports 1996-2001 Denmark, Faroe Islands and Greenland.  2nd edition
Læs rapporten / Read the report (816 KB)

No 03-02
John Cappelen and Bent Vraae Jørgensen:
The Climate of Denmark 2002 with The Faroe Islands and Greenland
Danmarks klima 2002 med Færøerne og Grønland
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.309 KB)

No. 03-01
Magnetic Results 2001
Brorfelde, Qeqertarsuaq, Qaanaaq and Narsarsuaq Observatories
Læs Rapporten / Read the report (3.257 KB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 03-20
Martin S. Lohmann, Arne Skov Jensen, Hans-Henrik Benzon and Alan Steen Nielsen:
Radio occultation retrieval of atmospheric absorption based on FSI
Læs rapporten /Read the report

No. 03-19
Alexander Baklanov:
Improved models for computing the roughness parameters of urban areas
D4.4 FUMAPEX report
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3,30 MB)

No. 03-17
Jens Havskov Sørensen:
Modelling the atmospheric spread of foot-and-mouth disease
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.459 KB)

No. 03-16
Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Claus Petersen:
A generalized thunderstorm index developed for DMI-HIRLAM
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.522 KB)

No. 03-15
Alexander Mahura and Alexander Baklanov:
Evaluation of source-receptor relationship for atmospheric pollutants using trajectory modelling and probability fields analysis
Pilot study
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2,92 MB)

No. 03-14
Alexander Mahura, Alexander Baklanov and Jens Havskov Sørensen:
Long-term probabilistic atmospheric transport and deposition patterns from nuclear risk sites in euro-arctic region
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2,57 MB)
Hent appendix / Get appendix (9,27 MB)

No. 03-13
Rasmus Tonboe, Søren Andersen and Leif Toudal:
Anomalous winter sea ice backscatter and brigthness temperatures
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.176 KB)

No. 03-12
Alexander Baklanov (editor):
FUMAPEX - Project Kick-off Meeting and First Progress Report.  Integrated Systems for Forecasting Urban Meteorology, Air Pollution and Population Exposure, EVK4-CT-2002-00097
Læs rapporten / Read the report (4.525 KB)

No. 03-11
Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
Quasigeostrophic interpretation of extratropical cyclogenesis
Læs rapporten / Read the report (6.977 KB)

No. 03-10
Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
A note on the sea surface momentum roughness length
Læs rapporten / Read the report (253 KB)

No. 03-09
Peter Stauning, Hermann Lühr, Pascale Ultré-Guérard, John LaBrecque, Michael Purucker, Fritz Primdahl, John L. Jørgensen, Freddy Christiansen, Per Høeg, Kent B. Lauritsen:
OIST-4 Proceedings. 4’th Oersted International Science Team Conference. Copenhagen 23-27 September 2002
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 03-08
Peter Thejll and Torben Schmith:
Limitations on regression analysis due to serially correlated residuals: Application to climate reconstruction from proxies
Læs rapporten / Read the report (327 KB)

No. 03-07
Kai Sattler and Henrik Feddersen:
An European Flood Forecasting System EFFS.  Treatment of uncertainties in the prediction of heavy rainfall using different ensemble approaches with DMI-HIRLAM
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.767 KB)

No. 03-06
Bjarne Amstrup:
Impact of NOAA16 and NOAA17 ATOVS AMSU-A radiance data in the DMI-HIRLAM 3D-VAR analysis and forecasting system - January and February 2003
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.281 KB)

No. 03-05
Jakob Grove-Rasmussen:
Atmospheric Water Vapout Detection using Satellite GPS Profiling
Ph.D. thesis 2002.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.465 KB)

No. 03-04
Alexander Mahura, Dan Jaffe and Joyce Harris:
Identification of Sources and Long Term Trends for Pollutants in the Arctic Using Isentropic Trajectory Analysis
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.675 KB)

No. 03-03
Bjarne Amstrup, Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Bent Hansen Sass:
DMI-HIRLAM parallel tests with upstream and centered difference advection of the moisture variables for a summer and winter period in 2002
Læs rapporten / Read the report (7.024 KB)

No. 03-02
A.S. Jensen, M.S. Lohmann, H.-H. Benzon and A.S. Nielsen:
Geometrical Optics Phase Matching of Radio Occultation Signals
Læs rapporten / Read the report (318 KB)

No. 03-01
Hans-Henrik Benzon, Alan Steen Nielsen and Laust Olsen:
An Atmospheric Wave Optics Propagator - Theory and Application
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.734 KB)

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 03-04 (8,66MB)
Downward propaganda and statistical forecast of the near surface wind

Rapport 03-03 (780 KB)
Ozonlaget over Danmark 1979-2002

Rapport 03-02 (704 KB)
Application of seasonal climate forecasts for improved management of crops in Western Africa

Rapport 03-01 (330 KB)
Grønlands klima, temadag mandag den 16. december 2002, DMI

2002 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 02-29
Michael Steffensen:
Varsling af mulighed for isdannelse på Storebælt Østbroens hængere.

No. 02-28
Michael Steffensen:
Lotistisk Kalman filter for kraftig nedbør.
Læs rapporten (181 KB)

No 02-27
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verification of DMI wave forecasts 3rd quarter of 2002.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (4.296 KB)

No 02-26
Peter Thejll:
Calculation of relative vorticity, and the vorticity area index from NCEP reanalysis data
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (1.767 KB)

No 02-25
Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Stig Rosenørn:
New hours of bright sunshine normals for Denmark, 1961-1990.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (223 KB)

No 02-24
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verification of DMI wave forecasts 2nd quarter of 2002.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (3.388 KB)

No. 02-23
Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Stig Rosenørn:
Omregning af solskinstimer - fra målinger med Casella solautograf til Star pyranometer.
Læs rapporten (4.584 KB)

No. 02-21
Vibeke Huess; Palle Bo Nielsen, Farvandsvæsenet; Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Tidevand ved de danske vandstandsstationer.
Læs rapporten (521 KB)

No. 02-20
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verification of DMI wave forecasts 1st quarter of 2002.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (3.339 KB)

No. 02-19
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verifikation af vandstandsprognoser: 2001.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (727 KB)

No. 02-18
Jacob Woge Nielsen, Jacob Berg Jørgensen and Jun She:
Verification of wave forecasts:  DMI-WAM nov-dec 2001.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (2.507 KB)

No. 02-17
Claus Nordstrøm:
DMI's barometerreference.
Læs rapporten (102 KB)

No. 02-16
Paul Eriksen:
Målinger og modellering af UV stråling i vandsøjlen ved Nuuk og Disko samt interkalibrering af Grønlandske UV instrumenter.
Læs rapporten (3154 KB)

No. 02-15
Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
Observed Daily Precipitation, Maximum Temperature and Minimum Temperature from Ilulissat and Tasiilaq, 1873-2000. Version 2.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (47 KB) Hent data / Get Data (942 KB)

No. 02-14
John Cappelen:
Danish Climate Statistics 1971-2000 to ECMWF - for verification and development in connection with the set-up of a "Severe Weather Forecasting System"
Dansk klimastatistik 1971-2000 til ECMWF - til verifikation og udvikling i forbindelse med opbygning af et "System til varsling af farligt vejr".

Læs rapporten / Read the report (245 KB) Hent data / Get Data (247 KB)

No. 02-13
John Cappelen:
Danish Climatological Normals 1971-2000 for European Climate Atlas
Danske klimanormaler 1971-2000 til Europæisk Klimaatlas.

Læs rapporten / Read the report (244 KB) Hent data / Get Data (11 KB)

No. 02-12
John Cappelen:
Danish Climatological Normals 1971-2000 - for selected stations
Danske klimanormaler 1971-2000 - for udvalgte stationer.

Læs rapporten / Read the report (428 KB) Hent data / Get Data (547 KB)

No. 02-11
Peter Stauning:
Ørsteds Resultater
Læs rapporten  (2.707 KB)

No. 02-10
Bent Hansen Sass:
A research version of the STRACO cloud scheme.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (707 KB)

No. 02-09
Bent Hansen Sass and Claus Petersen:
Analysis and short range forecasts of cloud cover.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (369 KB)

No. 02-08
Flemming Vejen:
Korrektion for fejlkilder på måling af nedbør - Korrektionsprocenter ved udvalgte stationer i 2001.
Læs rapporten (1.943 KB)

No. 02-07
John Cappelen:
Årlige landstal af temperatur, nedbør, solskinstimer og skydække for Danmark; 1873-2001, Yearly Temperature, Precipitation, Hours of Bright Sunshine and Cloud Cover for Denmark as a whole; 1873-2001.
Læs rapporten/read the report (106 KB) Hent data / Get Data (12 KB)

No. 02-06
John Cappelen:
Årlige middeltemperaturer for udvalgte meteorologiske stationer i Danmark, på Færøerne og i Grønland; 1873-2001, Yearly Mean Temperature for Selected Meteorological Stations in Denmark, the Faroe Islands and Greenland; 1873-2001.
Læs rapporten/read the report (58 KB) Hent data / Get Data (20 KB)

No. 02-05
Bent Hansen Sass, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Jess U. Jørgensen, Bjarne Amstrup, Maryanne Kmit and Kristian Sten Mogensen:
The operational DMI-HIRLAM system - 2002-version.
Læs rapporten / read the report (1.010 KB)

No. 02-04
Maja Kjørup Nielsen
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2001.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.035 KB)

No. 02-03
Mikael Scharling og Claus Kern-Hansen:
KLIMAGRID - DANMARK - NEDBØR OG FORDAMPNING 1990-2000 Beregningsresultater til belysning af vandbalancen i Danmark.
Læs rapporten (2.651 KB)

No. 02-02
John Cappelen
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 2000-2001.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (94 KB)

No. 02-01
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen
Danmarks klima 2001 med tillæg om Færøerne og Grønland.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.779 KB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 02-17
Alexander Mahura, Alexander Baklanov, Jens Havskov Sørensen, Frank Parker, Vladimir Novikov, Kevin Brown, Keith Compton:
Probabilistic Analysis of Atmospheric Transport and Deposition Patterns from Nuclear Risk Sites in Russian Far East.
Far East Coastal Study of the Radiation Safety of the Biosphere Project.

Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.792 KB)
Hent appendix / Get appendix (2.862 KB)

No. 02-16
Alexander Baklanov, Alexander Mahura, Jens Havskov Sørensen, Olga Rigina, Ronny Bergman:
Methodology for Risk Analysis based on Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling from Nuclear Risk Sites.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.184 KB)

No. 02-15
Alexander Mahura and Alexander Baklanov:
Probabilistic Analysis of Atmospheric Transport Patterns from Nuclear Risk Sites in Euro-Arctic Region.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.585 KB)
Hent appendix 1-3 / Get appendix 1-3 (8.823 KB)
Hent appendix 4 / Get appendix 4 (9.200 KB)

No. 02-14
Tina Christensen:
Energetic Electron Precipitation Studied by Atmospheric X-Rays.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (8.198 KB)

No. 02-13
Kai Sattler:
Precipitaton hindcasts of historical flood events.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (8.908 KB)

No. 02-12
Rashpal S. Gill:
SAR Ice Classification Using Fuzzy Screening Method.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (5.225 KB)

No. 02-11
Kent B. Lauritsen and Martin S. Lohmann:
Unfolding of Radio Occultation Multipath Behavior Using Phase Models.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (619 KB)

No. 02-10
Michael E. Gorbunov and Kent B. Lauritsen:
Canonical Transform Methods for Radio Occultation Data.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (211 KB)

No. 02-09
Kai Sattler, Jun She, Bent Hansen Sass, Leif Laursen, Lars Landberg, Morten Nielsen, Henning S. Christensen:
Enhanced descriptin of the wind climate in Denmark for determination of wind resources.  Final report for 1363/00-0020.  Supported by the Danish Energy Authority.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.445 KB)

No. 02-08
Rashpal S. Gill:
SAR surface cover classification using distribution matching.  July 2002.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.549 KB)

No. 02-07
Per Høeg and Gottfried Kirchengast:
ACE+ Atmosphere and climate explorer.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2,56 MB)

No. 02-06
Arne Skov Jensen, Hans-Henrik Benzon and Martin S. Lohmann:
A New High Resolution Method for Processing Radio Occultation Data.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (346 KB)

No. 02-05
Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
The structure and dynamics of the atmospheric boundary layer.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (501 KB)

No. 02-04
Nicolai Kliem:
Numerical ocean and sea ice modelling: the area around Cape Farewell.  Ph.D. thesis.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (5.011 KB)

No. 02-03
Bjørn Knudsen, Signe B. Andersen and Allan Gross:
Contribution of the Danish Meteorological Institute to the final report of SAMMOA.CEC contract EVK2-1999-00315: Spring-to-Autumn Measurements and Modelling of Ozone and Active species.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1562 KB)

No. 02-02
Erik Buch:
Present oceanographic conditions in Greenland Waters.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.465 KB)

No. 02-01
Bent Hansen Sass and Claus Petersen:
Short range atmospheric forecasts using a nudging procedure to combine analyses of cloud and precipitation with a numerical forecast model.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.424 KB)

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 02-1 (8.069 KB)
The climate of the 21st century: Transient simulations with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model. Revised version.

2001 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 01-24
Research and Development Projects, Progress 2000

No. 01-22
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Sammenligning af nedbørdata fra Skagen.
Læs rapporten (234 KB)

No. 01-21
Jesper Larsen and Jun She
Optimasation of bathymetry database for the North European Shelf Seas.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (2.850 KB)

No. 01-20
Peter Viskum Jørgensen:
Nordic Climate Data Collection 2001 An update of: NACD, REWARD, NORDKLIM and NARP datasets, 1873-2000. Version 0.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (160 KB) Hent data / Get data (724 KB)

No. 01-19
Mikael Scharling:
KLIMAGRID DANMARK - Sammenligning af potentiel fordampning beregnet ud fra Makkinks formel og den modificerede Penman formel.
Læs rapporten (3.541 KB)

No. 01-18
Mikael Scharling:
KLIMAGRID DANMARK - Sammenligning af potentiel fordampning beregnet ud fra den modificerede Penman formel med og uden en revideret bestemmelse af luftfugtigheden.
Læs rapporten (1.945 KB)

No. 01-17
John Cappelen og Jens Juncher Jensen:
Jordens Klima - Guide til vejr og klima i 156 lande (update).
Læs rapporten (529 KB)

No. 01-16
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Evaluering af Soltimer.
Læs rapporten (670 KB)

No. 01-15
Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Ole Bøssing Christensen, Jan-Peter Schulz, Stefan Hagemann and Michael Botzet:
High resolution physiographic data set for HIRHAM4: An application to a 50 km horizontal resolution domain covering Europe.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (2.261 KB)

No. 01-14
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Verifikation af vandstandsprognoser: 2000.
Læs rapporten (1.517 KB)

No. 01-13
Michael Steffensen, Flemming Vejen, Anna Hilden, Søren Overgaard, Mikael Scharling and Helle Jüngling:
Evaluation of the AMIS Gridded Observations and Radar derived 24-hour Accumulated Precipitation by Comparison with Climate Grid - Denmark Gridded Observations.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (2.714 KB)

No. 01-12
Alexander Baklanov:
NWP modelling for urban air pollution forecasting: possibilities and shortcomings.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (117 KB)

No. 01-11
Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
Observed Daily Precipitation, Maximum Temperature and Minimum Temperature from Ilulissat and Tasiilaq, 1873-2000.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (291 KB) Hent data / Get Data (1.183 KB)
Please observe: Vital observation descriptions included in version 2: No. 02-15

No. 01-10
Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Jesper Larsen, Kirsten Rajakumar, John Cappelen and Torben Schmith:
Observed Daily Precipitation, Temperature and Cloud Cover for Seven Danish Sites, 1874-2000.
Læs Rapporten / Read the Report (409 KB) Hent data / Get data (3.451 KB)

No. 01-09
Flemming Vejen, Henning Madsen og Peter Allerup:
Korrektion for fejlkilder på måling af nedbør - Korrektionsprocenter ved udvalgte stationer i 2000.
Læs rapporten (1.886 KB)

No. 01-08
Ellen Vaarby Laursen og Stig Rosenørn:
Solskinstimer i Danmark, 1961-1990. Landstalsnormaler og kort.
Læs rapporten (276 KB)

No. 01-07
Jesper Larsen og Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Opsætning og kalibrering af Mike21 til stormflodsvarsling for Limfjorden.
Læs rapporten (374 KB)

No. 01-06
John Cappelen og Bent Vraae Jørgensen:
Danmarks klima 2000 - med tillæg om Færøerne og Grønland.
Læs rapporten (2.541 KB)

No. 01-05
John Cappelen:
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 2000.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (54 KB)

No. 01-04
Rasmus Tage Tonboe:
Detailed Wind Speed Information From RADARSAT ScanSAR Wide - February 2001.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (854 KB)

No. 01-03
Rasmus T. Tonboe, Martin K. Rosengreen, Palle M. Eriksen, Keld Q. Hansen and Rasphal S. Gill:
Evaluation of the operational Radarsat Ice Mapping in the Cape Farewell Waters During Summer 1999.
Læs rapporten / Read the Report (464 KB)

No. 01-02
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
DMIs operationelle stormflodsvarslingssystem, Version 2.0.
Læs rapporten (1.255 KB)

No. 01-01
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens Regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 2000.
Læs rapporten (245 KB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 01-09
Alexander Baklanov and Alexander Mahura:
Atmospheric Transport Pathways, Vulnerability and Possible Accidental Consequences from Nuclear Risk Sites: Methodology for Probabilistic Atmospheric Studies.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (3.068 KB)

No. 01-08
Vibeke Huess:
Sea Level Variations in the North Sea - from Tide Gauges, Altimetry and Modelling.
Læs rapporten / Read the report Part 1 (5.292 KB)
Læs rapporten / Read the report Part 2 (7.553 KB)

No. 01-07
Sergej Zilitinkevich and Alexander Baklanov:
Calculation of the Height of Sable Boundary Layers in Operational Models.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (785 KB)

No. 01-06
Bjarne Amstrup:
Impact of ATOVS AMSU-A radiance data in the DMI-HIRLAM 3D-Var analysis and forecasting system.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (2.476 KB)

No. 01-05
Sergej Zilitinkevich, Alexander Baklanov, Jutta Roost, Ann-Sofi Smedman, Vasiliy Lykosov and Pierliugi Calanca:
Diagnostic and Prognostic Equations for the Depth of the Stably Stratified Ekman Boundary Layer.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (859 KB)

No. 01-04
Vladimir Penenko and Alexander Baklanov:
Methods of sensitivity theory and inverse modeling for estimation of source parameters and risk/vulnerability areas.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (845 KB)

No. 01-03
Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Claus Petersen:
Calculation of wind gusts in DMI-HIRLAM.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.576 KB)

No. 01-02
Mikhail E. Gorbunov:
Radioholographic methods for processing radio occultation data in multipath regions.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.906 KB)

No. 01-01
V. O. Papitashvili, L. I. Gromova, V. A. Popov, and O. Rasmussen:
Northern Polar Cap magnetic activity index PCN: Effictive area, universl time, seasonal and solar cycle variations.
Læs rapporten / Read the report (7.890 KB)

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 01-9 (841 KB)
Klimaændringer 2001, Den videnskabelige baggrund, En rapport fra IPCC's arbejdsgruppe I, Resume for beslutningstagere:
DMI's oversættelse af Climate Change 2001 - The Scientific Basis, A report of Working Group I of the International Panel on Climate Change, Summary for policymakers.

Rapport 01-8 (1.206 KB)
PRUDENCE kick-off meeting, Snekkersten December 3-5, 2001.

Rapport 01-7 (777 KB)
Detection of the Pinatubo volcanic heating signal in the lower stratosphere based on nudging assimilation and analysis increments.

Rapport 01-6 (104 KB)
Using the nudging technique to estimate climate model forcing residuals.
A contribution to the ACE Scientific Support Study.

Rapport 01-5, omslag (112 KB), artikel 1 (3.078 KB), artikel 2 (1.171 KB)
Danmarks vejr og klima i det 20. århundrede.

Rapport 01-4 (1.544 KB)
Danmarks, Færøernes og Grønlands Klima. DMI's afrapportering til FN's Klimakonvention UNFCCC.

Rapport 01-3 (1.165 KB)
Synthesis of the STOWASUS-2100 project: Regional storm, wave and surge scenarios for the 2100 century.

Rapport 01-2 (292 KB)
Klimadag den 26. april 2001. Klimaændringer og deres virkninger; Præsentation af tvæfaglig bog og danske bidrag til klimaforskningen.

Rapport 01-1 (956 KB)
Changes in the storm climate in the North Atlantic/European region as simulated by GCM time-slice experiments at high resolution.

2000 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 00-28
Nicolai Kliem:
A sea ice forecasting system for the Cape Farewell area
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (5.312 KB)

No. 00-27
Jun She:
Hirlam-Wam quality assessment for Winds and Waves in the North Sea
Læs rapporten / Read the report (617 KB)

No. 00-26
Bent Hansen Sass, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Jess U. Jørgensen, Bjarne Amstrup and Maryanne Kmit:
The operational DMI-HIRLAM system
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (983 KB)

No. 00-25
Jacob Woge Nielsen og Mads Hvid Nielsen:
Verifikation af vandstandsprognoser 1999
Læs rapporten (922 KB)

No. 00-24
Thomas H. Allin and Torsten Neubert:
First European Sprite Campaign: EuroSprite 2000 Summary Report
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (4.050 KB)

No. 00-22
Torsten Neubert (ed.), Pascale Ultré-Guérard (ed.):
Ørsted 3rd international science team meeting: proceedings
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 00-21
Mikael Scharling og Claus Kern-Hansen:
Klimagrid - Danmark. Praktisk anvendelse af nedbørkorrektion på gridværdier
Læs rapporten (345 KB)

No. 00-20
Flemming Vejen, Henning Madsen og Peter Allerup:
Korrektion for fejlkilder på målinger af nedbør - Korrektionsprocenter ved udvalgte stationer 1989-1999
Læs rapporten (1.637 KB)

No. 00-19
Mads Hvid Nielsen og Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Stormflodsrapport - Højvandet den. 19. - 20. november 1999
Læs rapporten (11.265 KB)

No. 00-18
John Cappelen, Bent Vraae Jørgensen, Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Lotte Sligting Stannius og Rikke Sjølin Thomsen:
The Observed Climate of Greenland, 1958-99 - with Climatological Standard Normals, 1961-90
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1.604 KB)
Data files (1.218 KB) Wind roses (370 KB)

No. 00-17
John Cappelen and Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
Daily Temperature Normals - Denmark, The Faroe Islands and Greenland
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (58 KB) Hent data/ Data files (60 KB)

No. 00-16
Eigil Kaas, Annette Guldberg, Bennert Machenhauer et. al.:
POTENTIALS - Project On Tendency Evaluations using New Techniques Atmospheric Long-term Simulations
Progress report for the second project year (1/1 1999 - 31/12 1999)

Læs rapporten/ Read the report (2.753 KB)

No. 00-15
Flemming Vejen, Henning Madsen og Peter Allerup:
Korrektion for fejlkilder på målinger af nedbør - Korrektionsprocenter ved udvalgte stationer - Foreløbige tal for 1999
Læs rapporten (178 KB)

No. 00-14
Sissi Kiilsholm and Alix Rasmussen:
Trends of Air Pollution in Denmark, Normalised by a Simple Weather Index Model
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (2.170 KB)

No. 00-13
Alix Rasmussen:
Trafik og Miljø - Overvågning af luftkvaliteten, Atmosfæremodeller, Atmosfærekemimodeller samt smog og ozon, Drivhuseffekt og klima
Sammenfattende rapport over DMI's Trafikpuljeprojekter 1995-99

Læs rapporten (2.654 KB)

No. 00-12
Alix Rasmussen og Lene Hodal:
Pollen- og Sporemålinger i Danmark - sæsonen 1999
Læs rapporten (299 KB)

No. 00-11
Mikael Scharling:
Klimagrid - Danmark, normaler 1961-90, måneds- og årsværdier
Nedbør 10*10, 20*20 & 40*40 km, temperatur og potentiel fordampning 20*20 & 40*40 km
Læs rapporten (724 KB) Hent data (81 KB)

No. 00-10
Jérôme Chenevez:
Kalman Filtering of DACFOS Verification Report for 1999
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (289 KB)

No. 00-09
K. Sattler, B. Amstrup, A. Hilden og J. Hansen:
Evaluation of the HIRLAM Surface Analysis Scheme for 2 metre Temperature and Relative Humidity by Comparison with AMIS Gridded Observations - March 2000
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (8.834 KB)

No. 00-08
John Cappelen:
The Climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures, 1990-99
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (258 KB)

No. 00-7
Paul Eriksen:
Calibration of Ozone Spectrophotometers operationg in Qaanaaq (Dobson #092), Kangerlussuaq (Brewer #053) and Copenhagen (Brewer #082)
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (365 KB)

No. 00-06
N. K. Petersen og N. W. Nielsen:
Isbilmålinger i perioden januar-marts 1999
Læs rapporten/Read the report (781 KB)

No. 00-05
Sissi Kiilsholm:
Validation of DACFOS Surface Ozone Forecasts 1996-98 - Description of the new Verification System and Model Improvement
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (7.002 KB)

No. 00-04
Jérôme Chenevez:
Kalman Filtering of DACFOS First Verification Report Period July - December 1998
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (667 KB)

No. 00-03
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem - Årsnotat 1999
Læs rapporten (187 KB)

No. 00-02
Bent Hansen Sass og Claus Petersen:
Verification Report for the 1998-1999 Slippery Road Season
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (375 KB)

No. 00-01
Eigil Kaas, Uffe Andersen et al.:
STOWASUS 2100, Regional Storm, Wave and Surge Scenarios for the 2100 Century: Progress report for the second project year
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (4.121 KB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 00-19
Bjarne Amstrup:
EUCOS observing system experiments with the DMI-HIRLAM Optimum Interpolation analysis and forecasting system
Læs rapporten /Read the report (578 KB)

No. 00-18
Niels Larsen, Ib Sten Mikkelsen, Bjørn M. Knudsen, K. Mauersberger, J. Schreiner, C. Voigt, A. Kohlmann, J. Ovarlez, H. Ovarlez, J. Crespin, B. Gaubicher, A. Adriani, F. Cairo, F. Cardillo, G. Di Donfrancesco, R. Morbidini, L. Pulvirenti, M. Viterbini, C. David, S. Bekki, G. Mégie, C. Flesia, A. Starkov, T. Deshler, C. Kröger, J. Rosen and N. Kjome:
In-situ analysis of aerosols and gases in the polar stratosphere - A contribution to THESEO. Environment and Climate Research Programme, Contract No ENV4-CT97-0523, Final Report
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (6.420 KB)

No. 00-17
Kai Sattler and Xiang-Yu Huang:
Structure Function Characteristics for 2 meter Temperature and Relative Humidity in Different Horizontal Resolutions
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (2.394 KB)

No. 00-16
Kristian S. Mogensen, Jess U. Jørgensen, Bjarne Amstrup, Xiaohua Yang and Xiang-Yu Huang:
Towards an operational implementation of HIRLAM 3D-VAR at DMI
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (3.171 KB)

No. 00-15
Mads Hvid Nielsen:
Dynamisk beskrivelse og hydrografisk klassifikation af Den Jyske Kyststrøm
Læs rapporten (4.190 KB)

No. 00-14
Bjarne Amstrup, Kristian S. Mogensen and Xiang-Yu Huang:
Use of GPS observations in an optimum interpolation based data assimilation system
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1.825 KB)

No. 00-13
Michael Steffensen:
Stability Indices as Indicators of Lightning and Thunder
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (236 KB)

No. 00-12
Erik Buch:
A monograph on the physical oceanography of the Greenland waters
Part 1 (11497KB)
Part 2 (7762 KB)

No. 00-11
Claus Petersen og Niels Woetmann Nielsen:
Diagnosis of visibility in DMI-HIRLAM
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1.693 KB)

No. 00-10
Søren Andersen:
Evaluation of SSM/I Sea Ice Algorithms for use in the SAF on Ocean and Sea Ice
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (6.524 KB)

No. 00-09
Niels Larsen, Bjørn M. Knudsen, Michael Gauss og Giovanni Pitari:
Effects from high-speed civil traffic aircraft emissions on polar stratospheric clouds
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1.100 KB)

No. 00-08
A. L. Morozova:
Solar activity and Earth's weather: effect of the forces atmospheric transparency changes on the troposphere temperature profile studied with atmospheric models
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 00-07
Alix Rasmussen, Jens Havskov Sørensen, Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Bjarne Amstrup:
Uncertainty of meteorological parameters from DMI-HIRLAM, RODOS(WG2)TN(99)12, EU-Contract FI4P-CT95-0007
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (4.277 KB)

No. 00-06
Niels Larsen:
Polar Stratospheric Clouds - Microphysical and optical models
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (2.723 KB)

No. 00-05
Jérôme Chenevez:
Advection Experiments with DMI-HIRLAM-TRACER
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (510 KB)

No. 00-04
Henrik Vedel:
Conversion of WGS84 geometric heights to NWP model HIRLAM geopotential heights
Læs rapporten/Read the report (405 KB)

No. 00-03
Allan Gross:
Surface Ozone and Tropospheric Chemistry with Applications to Regional Air Quality Modelling
Læs rapporten/Read the report (3.771 KB)

No. 00-02
Per Høeg:
FACE-IT - Field-Aligned Current Experiment in The Ionosphere and Thermosphere
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 00-01
Per Høeg og G. Leppelmeier:
ACE - Atmosphere Climate Experiment
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 00-6.
The climate of the 21st century: Transient simulations with a coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
This report has been revised in 2002, see Report No. 02-1.

Rapport 00-5 (3.819 KB)
A time-slice experiment with the ECHAM4 A-GCM at high resolution:
The simulation of tropical storms for the present-day and of their change for the future climate

Rapport 00-4 (6.930 KB)
Metoder mødes: Geofysik og emner af samfundsmæssig interesse. Dansk Klimaforums Workshop 15.-16. maj 2000

Rapport 00-3 (1.069 KB)
Emissionsscenarier. Oversættelse af IPCC's særapport: Emissions Scenarios, Summary for Policymakers

Rapport 00-2 (1.574 KB)
Drivhuseffekten og regionale klimaændringer

Rapport 00-1 (1.320 KB)
Forskning og Samarbejde 1998-1999

1999 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 99-27
Henrik Steen Andersen og Rasmus Tage Tonboe:
The Operational Continuation of the EU Project Monitoring Agriculture with Remote Sensing (MARS) - Should DMI be involved?
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (158 KB)

No. 99-25
Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Stormflodsrapport - Højvandet den 27. december 1998

No. 99-24
Jian-Guo Wu:
Real-time Prediction of the Dst Index from ACE Solar Wind Data Using Elman Recurrent Neural Network
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (344 KB) Postscript-fil (4.206 KB)

No. 99-23
Jacob Woge Nielsen og Mads Hvid Nielsen:
Verification of Sea Level Forecasts 1998
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1.403 KB)

No. 99-22
Mads Hvid Nielsen:
Mike21 Kalibrering 1998-1999
Læs rapportent (619 KB)

No. 99-21
Bent Hansen Sass, Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Jess U. Jørgensen og Bjarne Amstrup:
The operational DMI-HIRLAM system, 2nd rev. ed.
(Tidligere udsendt med titlen: The Operational HIRLAM system at DMI - October 1999)
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (757 KB)

No. 99-20
Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Jesper Larsen, Kirsten Rajakumar, John Cappelen og Torben Schmith:
Observed Daily Precipitation & Temperature from Six Danish Sites, 1874-1998
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (193 KB) Hent data/ Data files (2.654 KB)

No. 99-19
Research and Development Projects, Progress 1998
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

N o. 99-15
Mikael Scharling:
Nedbør 10*10 km (ver.2)
Læs rapporten (498 KB)

No. 99-14
Brett Candy (UKMO) og Søren Andersen (DMI):
Evaluation of Skin-Bulk Sea Surface Temperature Difference Models for use in the Ocean and Sea Ice SAF
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1042 KB)

No. 99-13
John Cappelen og Bent Jørgensen:
Observed Wind Speed and Direction in Denmark - with Climatological Standard Normals, 1961-90
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (9.367 KB) Datafiles (1.791 KB) Wind Roses (9.593 KB)

No. 99-12
Mikael Scharling:
Nedbør, lufttemperatur og potentiel fordampning 20*20 & 40*40 km

Læs rapporten/ Read the report (1827 KB)

No. 99-11
Kai Sattler:
New high resolution physiograpic data and climate generation for the HIRLAM forecast system
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (2462 KB)

No. 99-10
Peter Thejll:
Values of the Solar Cycle Length suitable for use in research on Solar Cycle forcing of Climate, obtained by periodogram analysis
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 99-9
Peter Thejll:
On the 10-11 year 'solar' signal in the terrestrial land air temperature
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 99-8
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Måling af soltimer
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (591 KB)

No. 99-7
Flemming Vejen, Peter Allerup og Henning Madsen:
Korrektion for fejlkilder af daglige nedbørmålinger i Danmark
Læs rapporten (2.425 KB)

No. 99-6
Anna Hilden og Jakob Hansen:
Forecast verification report. February 1999
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (144 KB)

No. 99-5
Ellen Vaarby Laursen, Rikke Sjølin Thomsen og John Cappelen:
Observed Air Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Cloud Cover and Weather in Denmark - with Climatological Standard Normals, 1961-90
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (3182 KB) Hent data/ Data files (1273 KB)

No. 99-4
Maja Kjørup Nielsen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem. Årsnotat 1998
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 99-3 (kun online)
John Cappelen:
The climate of Denmark - Key Climatic Figures 1994-1998
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (307KB)

No. 99-2
Peter Thejll:
U72B-13:"Solar Forcing or Not: The Search for Correlations Between Solar Actvity and Climate"
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 99-1
Maryanne Kmit og Bent Hansen Sass:
Verification Report for the 1997-1998 Slippery Road Season
Læs rapporten/ Read the report (284KB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 99-12
Hans-Henrik Benzon, Laust Olsen og Per Høeg:
Simulations of current density measurements with a Faraday current meter and a magnetometer
Læs rapporten / Read the report

No. 99-11
Mette Dahl Meincke:
Inversion Methods for Atmospheric Profiling with GPS Occultations
Læs rapporten/Read the report (1.558 KB)

No. 99-10
Torben Stockflet Jørgensen og Aksel Walløe Hansen:
Comment on "Variation of cosmic ray flux and global coverage - a missing link in solar-climate relationships" by Henrik Svensmark and Eigil Friis-Christensen
Læs rapporten/Read the report (45 KB)

No. 99-9
Peter Thejll og Knud Lassen:
Solar forcing of the Northern hemisphere land air temperature: New data
Læs rapporten/Read the report as a pdf-file (160 KB)       ps-file (187 KB)

No. 99-8
Henrik Feddersen:
Monthly Temperature Forecasts for Denmark - Statistical or Dynamical?
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.
Læs rapporten som html/Read the report as html (62 KB)

No. 99-7
Jun She og Jacob Woge Nielsen:
Operational Wave Forecasts over Baltic and North Sea
Læs rapporten/Read the report (1.294 KB)

No. 99-6
Stig Syndergaard:
Retrieval Analysis and Methodologies in Atmospheric Limb Sounding Using the GNSS Radio Occultation Technique
Læs rapporten / Read the report (1.853 KB)

No. 99-5
Mette Dahl Mortensen:
Non-Linear High Resolution Inversion of Radio Occulation Data
Læs rapporten/Read the report (764 KB)

No. 99-4
Alexander Baklanov:
Parameterisation of the deposition processes and radioactive decay: A review and some preliminary results with the DERMA model
Læs rapporten/Read the report (2.932 KB)

No. 99-3
Niels Larsen, Bjørn M. Knudsen, Paul Eriksen, Ib Steen Mikkelsen, Signe Bech Andersen og Torben Stockflet Jørgensen:
European Stratospheric Monitoring Stations in the Arctic II
Læs rapporten/Read the report (1323 KB)

No. 99-2
Wilhelm May:
A time-slice experiment with the ECHAM4 A-GCM at high resolution: The experimental design and the assessment of climate change as compared to a greenhouse gas experiment with ECHAM4/OPYC at low resolution
Læs rapporten/Read the report (16 MB)

No. 99-1
Henrik Feddersen:
Project on Prediction of climate variations on seasonal to interannual timescales (PROVOST) EU contract ENV4-CT95-0109
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.
Læs rapporten som html/Read the report as html (72 KB)

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klima Center (DKC)

Rapport 99-3 (1.330 KB)
Luftfart og den globale atmosfære
Oversættelse af IPCC's særrapport: Aviation and the Global Atmosphere

Rapport 99-2 (449 KB)
Rapport fra Dansk Klimaforum, 12. april 1999

Rapport 99-1  (520 KB)
Rapport fra Danish Climate Day 1999 (english)

1998 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 98-19
Anna Hilden og Jakob Hansen:
Quality and availability of AMIS data for the growing seasons of 1997 and 1998
Læs rapporten 98-19 / Read the report 98-19 (439KB)

No. 98-18
Søren Andersen:
Monthly Arctic Sea Ice Signatures for Passive Microwave Algorithms. December 1998
Læs rapporten 98-18 / Read the report 98-18 (1146 KB)

No. 98-17
Mikael Scharling:
Klimagrid Danmark, nedbør 10*10 km
Læs rapporten 98-17 (639KB)

No. 98-16
Anna Hilden, Ove Kjær, Rasmus Feldberg og Jakob Hansen:
Forecast verification report
Læs rapporten 98-16 / Read the report 98-16 (120 KB)

No. 98-15
Jérôme Chenevez:
Kalman Filtering of DACFOS
Læs rapporten 98-15 /Read the report 98-15
Hent/Get appendix 1 for 98-15
Hent/Get appendix 2 for 98-15
Hent/Get appendix 3 for 98-15
Hent/Get appendix 4 for 98-15
Hent/Get appendix 5 for 98-15

No. 98-14
John Cappelen og Ellen Vaarby Laursen:
The Climate of The Faroe Islands - With Climatological Standard Normals, 1961-1990
Læs rapporten 98-14 / Read the report 98-14 (935 KB) Hent data for 98-14/ Data files for 98-14 (208 KB)

No. 98-13
Peter Thejll og Henrik Svensmark:
Comments on the paper "Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries", by Mann, Bradley and Hughes, in Nature, 1998, April 23, p.779
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-11
Per Ernström:
Notes on prepossing of magnetometer data for AMIE
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-10
Peter Allerup, Henning Madsen og Flemming Vejen:
Standardværdier (1961-90) af nedbørkorrektioner
Læs rapporten 98-10 (282 KB)

No. 98-9
Flemming Vejen, Peter Allerup og Henning Madsen:
Korrektion for fejlkilder af daglige nedbørmålinger i Danmark
Læs rapporten 98-9 (672 KB)

No. 98-8
Per Ernström:
Running AMIE on UNIX
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-7
Per Ernström:
Installing AMIE on UNIX
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-6
Per Ernström
AMIE for UNIX, a new version
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-5
Jacob Woge Nielsen
Verification of Sea Level Forecasts 1997
Læs rapporten 98-5 / Read the report 98-5 (3.191 KB)

No. 98-4
Ellen Vaarby Laursen, John Cappelen:
Observed Hours of Bright Sunshine in Denmark - with Climatological Standard Normals, 1961-90
Læs rapporten 98-4/ Read the report 98-4 (305 KB) Hent data for 98-4/ Data files for 98-4(51 KB)

No. 98-3
Projects at DMI Supported by the European Commission Projects initiated after autumn 1994
Læs rapporten 98-3/Read the report 98-3 (1318 KB)

No. 98-2
Hanne Kjær Jørgensen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem
Årsnotat 1997

Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-1
Anna Hilden, Ove Kjær and Rasmus Feldberg:
Forecast Verification Report
January 1998

Læs rapporten 98-1/ Read the report 98-1(139 KB)

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 98-15
Xiang-Yu Huang:
Variational analysis using spatial filters
Læs rapporten 98-15/Read the report 98-15 (527 KB)

No. 98-14
Mette Dahl Mortensen:
The Back-Propagation Method for Inversion of Radio Occultation Data
Læs rapporten 98-14/ Read the report 98-14 (258 KB)

No. 98-13
N. Larsen, Alberto Adriani og Guido Di Donfrancesco:
Microphysical analysis of polar stratospheric clouds observed by lidar at McMurdo, Antarctica
Læs rapporten 98-13/Read the report 98-13 (361 KB)

No. 98-12
K. Lassen:
Extent of Sea-Ice in the Greenland Sea 1877-1997
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-11
P. Thejll og H. Svensmark:
Notes on the method of normalized multivariate regression
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-10
H. Svensmark:
Influence of Cosmic Rays on Earth's Climate
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-9
P. Lopez, E. Kaas og A. Guldberg:
The Full Particle-In-Cell advection scheme in spherical geometry
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-8
H. Svensmark, N. Woetmann Nielsen og A.M. Sempreviva:
Large Scale Soft and Hard Turbulent States of the Atmosphere
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-7
Per Høgh, Georg Bergeton Larsen, Hans Henrik Benzon, Jakob Grove-Rasmussen, Stig Syndergaard, Mette Dahl Mortensen, Jacob Christensen (SES) og Keld Schultz (TERMA):
GPS Atmosphere Profiling Methods and Error Assessments
Læs rapporten 98-7 / Read the Report 98-7 (2.886 KB)

No. 98-6
R.S. Gill, H.H. Valeur, P. Nielsen og K.Q. Hansen:
Using ERS SAR images in the operational mapping of sea ice in the Greenland waters
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-5
R.S. Gill, M.K. Rosengren:
Evaluation of the Radarsat Imagery for the Operational Mapping of Sea Ice around Greenland in 1997
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-4
Mette Dahl Mortensen, Per Høeg:
Resolution Properties in Atmospheric Profiling with GPS
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-3
Mette Dahl Mortensen, Per Høeg:
Satellite Atmosphere Profiling Retrieval in a Nonlinear Troposphere
Previously entitled: Limitations Induced by Multipath

Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 98-2
Per Høeg, Georg Bergeton Larsen, Hans-Henrik Benzon, Stig Syndergaard, Mette Dahl Mortensen:
The GPSOS Project: Algorithm Functional Design and Analysis of Ionosphere, Stratosphere and Troposphere Observations
Læs rapporten 98-2 / Read the Report 98-2 (1.263 KB)

No. 98-1
Niels Woetmann Nielsen, Bjarne Amstrup, Jess U. Jørgensen:
HIRLAM 2.5 Parallel Tests at DMI: Sensitivity to Type of Schemes for Turbulence, Moist Processes and Advection
Læs rapporten 98-1/ Read the Report 98-1 (5.153 KB)

Rapporter fra Danmarks Klimacenter (DKC)

Rapport 98-1  (406 KB)
Rapport fra åbningen af Danmarks Klimacenter og Klimaforum 1998

1997 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 97-12
Peter Thejll:
Poster at Fall 1997 AGU Meeting: "Superposed Epoch Analysis of the WASA Pressure Series, and Solar Activity"
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 97-11
K. Lassen:
Long-term Variations in Solar Activity and their Apparent Effect on the Earth's Climate
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 97-10
Keld Q. Hansen, Henrik Hartmann:
Berg Watch 97: Iceberg Drift Data and Satellite Imagery in Eastern Baffin Bay
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 97-9
Hans H. Valeur, Carsten Hansen, Keld Q. Hansen, Leif Rasmussen, Niels Thingvad:
Physical Environment of Eastern Davis Strait and Northeastern Labrador Sea: Part 1
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 97-8
Povl Frich, Stig Rosenørn, Henning Madsen og Jens Juncher Jensen
Observed Precipitation in Denmark, 1961-90
Læs rapporten 97-8 / Read the report 97-8 (1.043 KB) Hent data for 97-8 (253 KB)

No. 97-7
Anna Hilden, Ove Kjær and Rasmus Feldberg:
Forecast Verification Report
Ikke tilgængelig som pdf.

No. 97-6
Jacob Woge Nielsen og Karsten Bolding
Stormflodsrapport: Højvandet den 6. og 7. november 1996

No. 97-5
Eigil Friis-Christensen, Knud Lassen og Henrik Svensmark:
Kommentar til "Drivhuseffekten og globale klimaændringer, videnskabelig status Januar 1997" af Peter Laut (EFP-96 Udredningsprojekt: Journalnr. 151/96-0013)
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No. 97-4
John Cappelen og Hanne Kjær Jørgensen:
Drift af Spildevandskomitéens regnmålersystem: Årsnotat 1996

No. 97-3
T. Schmith, H. Alexandersson, K. Iden and H. Tuomenvirta:
North Atlantic-European Pressure Observations 1868-1995
(WASA Dataset Version 1.0)

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No. 97-2
Jacob Woge Nielsen og Karsten Bolding:
Stormflodsrapport: Højvandet den 29. og 30. oktober 1996

No. 97-1
Jacob Woge Nielsen og Karsten Bolding:
Verification of Sea Level Forecasts: 1996

Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 97-5
Knud Lassen:
Twentieth Century Retreat of Sea-Ice in the Greenland Sea
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No. 97-4
Peter Thejll:
A Search for Effects of External Events on Terrestrial Atmospheric Pressure: Sector Boundary Crossings
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No. 97-3
Peter Thejll:
A Search for Effects of External Events on Terrestrial Atmospheric Pressure: Cosmic Rays
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No. 97-2
Alix Rasmussen, Sissi Kiilsholm, Jens Havskov Sørensen, Ib Steen Mikkelsen:
Analysis of Tropospheric Ozone Measurements in Greenland: Contract No. EV5V-CT93-0318 (DG 12 DTEE): DMI's Contribution to CEC Final Report Arctic Tropospheric Ozone Chemistry ARCTOC.
Læs rapporten 97-2 /Read the report 97-2 (2271KB)

No. 97-1
E. Friis Christensen and C. Skøtt:
Contributions from the International Science Team. The Ørsted Mission - A Pre-Launch Compendium
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1996 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Videnskabelige rapporter

No. 96-12
Niels Larsen:
Effects of heterogeneous chemistry on the composition of the statosphere. CEC Environment Programme Contract EV5V-CT93-0349: DMI contribution to the final report.
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No. 96-11
Niels Larsen, Bjørn Knudsen, Paul Eriksen, Ib Steen Mikkelsen, Signe Bech Andersen og Torben Stockflet Jørgensen:
European Stratospheric Monitoring Stations in the Artic. An European contribution to the network for Detection of Stratospheric Change (NDSC). CEC Environment Programme Contract EV5V-CT93-0333. DMI contribution to the final report.
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No. 96-10
Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Bennert Machenhauer, Richard G. Jones, Christoph Schär, Paolo Michele Ruti, Manuel Castro og Guido Visconti:
Validation of present-day regional climate simulations over Europe. LAM simulations with observed boundary conditions.
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No. 96-9
Rashpal s. Gill og Hans H. Valeur:
Evaluation of the radarsat imagery for the operational mapping of sea ice around Greenland.
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No. 96-8
Jens Havskov Sørensen:
Quasi-Automatic Provision of Input for LINCOM and RIMPUFF, and Output Conversion. CEC Air Programme. Contract No. AIR3-CT92-0652.
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No. 96-7
Jens Havskov Sørensen og Christian Ødum Jensen:
A Computer System for the Management of Epidemiological Data and Prediction of Risk and Economic Consequences During Outbreaks of Foot-and-Mouth Disease. CEC AIR Programme. Contract no. AIR3-CT92-0652.
Læs rapporten 96-7 / Read the Report 96-7 (559 KB)

No. 96-6
Henrik Svensmark og Eigil Friis-Christensen:
Variation of Cosmic Ray Flux and Global Cloud Coverage - A Missing Link in Solar-Climate Relationships.
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No. 96-5
Xiang-Yu Huang:
Horizontal Diffusion and Filtering in a Mesoscale Numerical Weather Prediction Model.
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No. 96-4
Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen, Ole Bøssing Christensen, Philippe Lopez, Erik van Meijgaard, Michael Botzet:
The HIRLAM4 Regional Atmospheric Climate Model.
Læs rapporten 96-4 / Read the report 96-4 (3.463 KB)

No. 96-3
Jacob Woge Nielsen, Karsten Bolding Kristensen, Lonny Hansen:
Extreme sea level highs. A statistical tide gauge data study.
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No. 96-2
Georg Kjærgaard Andreasen:
Daily Response of High-latitude Current Systems to Solar Wind Variations. Application of Robust Multiple Regression. Methods on Godhavn magnetometer Data.
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No. 96-1
Povl Frich (co-ordinator), H. Alexandersson, J. Ashcroft, B. Dahlström, G.R. Demarée, A. Drebs, A. F. V. van Engelsen, E. J. Førland, I. Hanssen-Bauer, R. Heino, T. Jónsson, K. Jonasson, L. Keegan, P.Ø. Nordli, T. Scmith, P. Steffensen, H. Toumenvirta, O. E. Tveito:
North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD Version 1) - Final Report.
Læs rapporten 96-1 / Read the report 96-1 (3.553 KB)          Hent data for 96-1/Get the data for 96-1 (668 KB)

1994 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 94-22
M. L. Brandt and T. Schmith:
Correction, reduction and Homogenization of Barometer Records
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No. 94-20
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Summary of meta data fron NACD-stations in Denmark, Greenland and the Faroe Islands 1872-1994

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No. 94-19
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Instrumenter og rekonstruktioner. En illustreret gennemgang af arkivmateriale
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No. 94-18
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Dokumenteret stationshistorie for klima- og synopstationer i Torshavn og Mykines, Færøerne 1872-1994

Læs rapporten 94-18

No. 94-17
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Dokumenteret stationshistorie for 32030 Sandvig samt fyrene på Hammeren, Bornholm 1872-1994

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No. 94-16
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Dokumenteret stationshistorie for 30380 Landbohøjskole, København 1861-1994

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No. 94-15
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Dokumenteret stationshistorie for 27080 Tranebjerg, Samsø 1871-1994

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No. 94-14
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Dokumenteret stationshistorie for 21100 Vestervig 1872-1994

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No. 94-13
Marie Louise Brandt:
The North Atlantic Climatological Dataset (NACD)
Dokumenteret stationshistorie for 25140 Nordby, Fanø 1871-1994

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No. 94-04
Ib Andersen:
Salt-og vandtemperaturforhold i de indre danske farvande 
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1993 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 93-16
John Cappelen:
Kvalitetsmarkering af automatiske nedbørregistreringer
Læs rapporten 93-16

No. 93-12
John Cappelen:
Homogeneity Test of Climatological Data
Læs rapporten 9312

No. 93-02 
Ib Andersen: 
Afvigelser fra dagligvande ved de danske kyster 
Læs rapporten 93-02 (3,2 MB)

1992 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Tekniske rapporter

No. 92-3
Knud Frydendahl, Povl Frich and Carsten Hansen:
Danish Weather Observations 1675-1715
Læs rapporten 92-3/ Read the report 92-3

No. 92-2
Bolette Brødsgaard:
Stationshistorie i Grønland: dokumenteret for 5 klimastationer
Læs rapporten 92-2/ Read the report 92-2

1991 Åbn open icon luk close icon
Videnskabelige rapporter

DMI Report No. 91-3
Susanne Vennerstrøm
The Geomagnetic Activity Index PC
Læs rapporten 91-3 / Read the repory 91-3

Ib Gram-Jensen:
Læs rapporten (2475 KB)

Viden om vejr og klima

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